Honors Theses from 2024
Female Athlete Triad and Bone Stress Injuries, Amanda Nguyen
Math Education: A Comprehensive Guide to Teaching the Foundations, Claudia Jayne Staruch
Honors Theses from 2023
Social Media and Wellbeing, Aditya Adsule
The Political Mobilization of the Croatian Diaspora: Analyzing the Impact of the Croatian Diaspora on Croatian Politics., Regina Cabrera Hernandez
Adaptation: Enclave, Tess Cowles
The Association of Dementia Caregiver Employment with Sleep Quality: Does Being a Spouse Matter?, Jasnoor Kaur
Introducing a Trauma-Informed Care Model to Address Racial Disparities in Perinatal Outcomes Among African American Women, Mariah K. White
The Soviet Union's Foreign Policy in the Balkans during the First Years of the Cold War (1945-1960), Elio Zhilla
Honors Theses from 2022
Gender Nonconformity in Mexico: A Study of Community and Isolation in Carmín Tropical, Maddox Arnold
Effects of Internet Exclusion on the City of Detroit, Alexander G. Haddad
Infrastructure and Policies Supporting Physical Activity Habits: A Comparison Between the United States and Europe, Anisha Laddha
Honors Theses from 2021
Mammy and Aunt Jemima: Keeping the Old South Alive in Popular Visual Culture, Angela G. Athnasios
BIIS: The Last British Ice Sheet, A Review of The Most Recent Major Glaciation of Great Britain and Ireland, Benediktas Gaskevicius
S.O.S. for COVID-19 (Subjective and Objective Screening): Are Asymptomatic Cases Truly Without Warning Signs?, Nathan Hughes
ABHD5 Induced Morphological Changes on Model Membrane Systems, Nasser S. Junedi
Roles of a Bradykinin Storm and a Cytokine Storm in Covid-19 Cases, Nouha H. Odeh
Honors Theses from 2020
The Health of a Democracy: Understanding Activist Burnout and its Remedial Strategies in Detroit Since the 2016 Presidential Election, Kristina Curtiss
A Comparison Between the Wolves of Brandenburg, Germany and Minnesota, USA: History, Technology, and Culture, Jacob W. Depper
A Tale of Two Nations’ Histories The Application of Literary Fairy Tales as a Firsthand Account of History, Nicholas Gottlob
Escrime Americana: The History of Discrimination in American Fencing from the 1700s-1950, Alyssa J. Hirsch
Tracing the Cultural Influence and Linguistic Journey of 4 Mind-Related Science Fiction Words, Hannah Rose Langsdorf
The Causes, Contributors, and Consequences of Colorism Among Various Cultures, Mahima Rahman
The Implementation of Exercise for Chronic Kidney Disease and Dialysis Patients, Syed Ahmad Rizvi
Caffeine’s Physiological and Psychological Effects, Cameron Shadaia
Niche Journalism: Successful Steps in a Saturated, Modern Market, Arianna L. Smith
Internal Training Load in Collegiate Basketball Players: Effort Ratings vs. Heart Rate Measurements in NCAA DII Players, Amber Stephens
Leptin’s Role in the Obesity Epidemic, Alyssa C. Washeleski
Honors Theses from 2019
The Relationship Between Socioeconomic Status and Mood Disorders, Jeannette German
An In-depth Review of Retinitis Pigmentosa Development and Pathologies Overtime in Patients, Abdul Harris
An Investigation of Glycolysis, Metabolic Acidosis, and Lactate’s Role in Cellular Respiration, Edward L. Kerr III
Rhetoric and Reaction: Russia’s Second Chechen War and its Place in Larger Domestic and Global Conditions, Michaela Lewalski
Caffeine's Effects on Reaction Time, Brandon Metcalf
Xerostomia: A Comprehensive Review, Danevin Putrus
How Electrical Engineering and Music Can Relate – Through Microcomputers, Ameerah Syed
The Modifiability of Risk Factors Associated with Adolescent Suicide and its Preventions, Nastaeen Tajin
Honors Theses from 2018
Characterization of Midkine-a Function During Retinal and Caudal Fin Regeneration in the Adult Zebrafish, Nicholas Ang
Parental Mindfulness and Stress as an Influence on Clinically Referred Children’s Emotional Competence, Ahmad Baiyasi
Injury Biomechanics in Sports and Implementing Preventative Measures, Kate Freeman
Avicenna and His Impact on Medieval European Medicine, Raheel Khan
A Comparison of the Development of the Salt Industries in Michigan and Ontario, Hannah Margarethe Kieta
Variability of Pecan Water Use in the Southwest USA: Implications for Irrigation Strategies, Krystal Krygowski
The Five-Paragraph Essay: An In-Depth Exploration of the Genre and its Limitations in Writing Pedagogy, Sarah N. Nafees
The Role of Granzyme B in the Pathogenesis of Ocular HSV – 1 Infection, Maharshi Sanjay Nagda
Pavlovian Conditioning: History and Application of the Revaluation Procedure, Bana Odeh
Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) in Pelham Gneiss Dome, Northern Massachusetts, Madison Olender
Establishment of a Novel Low-Intensity Light Damage Model of Photoreceptor Degeneration in Adult Zebrafish, Danielle Quallich
Exosome Signaling within Candida Genus and in the Presence of Mammalian Cells, Kyle Riley and Isabella M. Cubillejo
Honors Theses from 2017
The Analytical Methods Used to Detect Fluoride in Dental Pharmaceuticals, Amber Aboona
The Effects of Exercise on Mental Health: A Research Review, Kaylani Benson
Hair Cortisol-A Biomarker for Chronic Stress and Predictor of Disease, Abigail J. Burns
Food Waste in the United States: Issues, Ethics, and Solutions, Patrick Erickson
The Interommatidial Bristle Variability of Diptera, Kimberly Palmer
Racial Microaggressions on an Online Anonymous Platform, Navneesh Pandher
The Loaded Squat, Gianluca Scerri
What 2017 Holds for Technology in Dentistry, Arshi Siddiqui
Honors Theses from 2016
Rights of Minorities and Neglected Groups, Deni Barci
A Linguistic Comparison: Stress-timed and syllable-timed languages and their impact on second language acquisition, Madeline M. Conlen
The Importance of Linguistic Diversity Instruction within Teacher Education Programs, Rhiannon L. Finney
The Relationship Between Obesity and Use of Electronics For Individuals Under The Age of 21, Zeeshan Haque
Examining Expectations: Inspecting the Experiences of Student Teaching Interns in a Yearlong Paired-Placement at an Urban School, Evan J. Lambrecht
A Statistical Scoring System for Manager Voting for the Rawlings Gold Glove Award, Emily K. Moran
The Relationship Between Aldosterone and Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in Hypertensive Patients, Tahsin M. Rahman, Phillip Levy, and Aaron M. Brody
Reflections on Social Emotional Learning and Academic Success in Early Childhood Education, Emily Wagner
Honors Theses from 2015
The Effects Of Social Status On The Quality And Affordability Of Healthcare, Robert O. Burns
No-Arbitrage Option Pricing and the Binomial Asset Pricing Model, Nicholas S. Hurley
The Media, the Women and STEM Fields, Arooba Javed
Cancer Stem Cells in Recurrent and Drug-Resistant Lung Cancers, Raagini Suresh, Shadan Ali, Aamir Ahmad, Philip Philip, and Fazlul Sarkar
The Importance of Maintaining a Heritage Language while Acquiring the Host Language, Anna L. Vallance
Qualitatively Assessing the Expression of Kynurenine Pathway Metabolic Enzymes in Human Glioma Tissue, Kaushik Varadarajan
Honors Theses from 2014
Calculator Usage in Secondary Level Classrooms: The Ongoing Debate, Nicole Plummer
Honors Theses from 2013
The Effectiveness of Manipulatives in the Elementary School Classroom, Holly A. Berkseth
Physical Activity and Exercise during Adolescence and Young Adulthood Can Act as Preventative Measures against the Development of Osteoporosis in Elderly People, Christine C. Center
Investigating the Housing Market for Student Tenants Surrounding an Urban University, Olivia M. Dobbs Ms.
Role of Ubiquitin E3 Ligase Breast Cancer Associated Gene 2 (BCA2) in SUMOylation, Fareea Khaliq
Promoting STEM Literacy in 21st Century Education, Emily V. Martin
Identification of Enzymes Causing Redox Cycling, Causing Oxidative Stress and Damaging Mitochondria, Kiran Sebastian
Honors Theses from 2012
The Road To Gaining Acceptance And Status For Women In American Medicine, Terrie S. Ahn
Prenatal Genetic Diagnosis Using Transcervically Derived and Immunomagnetically Isolated Trophoblast Cells, Swati Bajpayee
BER and Folate Deficiency: A comprehensive overview of DNA base excision repair and the effect of dietary folate, Lydia Lanni
Seeds for Change: Examining the Association between Race, Food Security, and Urban Agriculture, Komal Razvi
Association of genetic variation, gene expression, and protein abundance within the natriuretic peptide pathway, Bipin Sunkara
The Role of MicroRNAs in Breast Cancer Migration, Invasion and Metastasis, Joy Tang, Fazlul H. Sarkar, and Aamir Ahmad
Voicing and Devoicing Rules in East and Southeast Asian Languages, Siyu C. Zhang