"Niche Journalism: Successful Steps in a Saturated, Modern Market " by Arianna L. Smith

Date of Award

Winter 4-28-2020

Thesis Access

Open Access Honors Thesis

Thesis Location

Honors College Thesis

Degree Name




Faculty Advisor

Micheal Fuhlhage


“How-to” articles make up the bulk of an average Google search when initiating research on a new venture—the subject of self-publishing and propagating journalistic content is no exception. In this day and age, self-started publications are almost guaranteed to be niche in nature. With the intent to create a more academic and objectively reliable guide, this literature review takes into account the observations and conclusions of multiple communications professionals, long-and-short standing news organizations of varying success and notoriety, and studies concerned with the trends relating to audience engagement and technology integration to answer the main research questions thus: what is ‘niche’ journalism, and how does it relate to humanities reporting among under-reported communities? In a rising market of so-called civilian and blogger journalism, one that is quickly reaching a critical point of digitized over-saturation, where is the comfortable boundary line between audience engagement and content corruption? What does functional niche journalism look like, design wise? Finally, what technological and or organizational methods would provide the best return when implemented with the goal to hypothetically launch and sustain a successful niche publication?


*This thesis contains hyperlinks and transitory media relating to websites that may change ownership or cease to function.
