"Rights of Minorities and Neglected Groups " by Deni Barci

Date of Award

Fall 5-3-2016

Thesis Access

Open Access Honors Thesis

Thesis Location

Honors College Thesis

Degree Name



Honors College

Faculty Advisor

Dr. Ronald Brown


The right of minorities and disadvantaged groups are essential to human rights and democracy. These issues are multilayered and each specific case presents its own challenges. To further understand the minority rights dilemma, the struggles of minority groups in the United States will be highlighted, as well as the Roma population in Macedonia. The comparison of domestic minority treatment within the United States and how minorities are treated in other nations will help to paint a broader picture of the difficulties that minorities across the world experience. The Roma in Macedonia have faced a more traditional form of limitation of power, by not being given the same political, educational and welfare rights and opportunities that other members of the nation are. Minority groups in the United States however face different challenges, ones revolving around the concepts of institution and fear. The analysis of these distinct groups will be employed to show the contrasting methods which obstruct minority rights. The Roma are not given the opportunity to expand and advance their culture, while the Arab and Islamic communities in the United States face the effects of a phobia that has been increased due to a catastrophic world event. The issues in the United States are deeply-rooted and complex which will require a great amount of historical context to fully understand the magnitude of the issues. While the Roma issues may be viewed as more traditional, their oppression comes in the form of governmental and educational interference. Minority rights are crucial to the welfare of a nation, and in order for Democracy and Freedom to be considered essential values, they must be accessible to all.
