"Racial Microaggressions on an Online Anonymous Platform " by Navneesh Pandher

Date of Award

Winter 5-9-2017

Thesis Access

Open Access Honors Thesis

Thesis Location

Honors College Thesis

Degree Name



Biological Sciences

Faculty Advisor

Dr. Zachary Bewster


In sociology there has been an increase amount of scholarly attention devoted to the microaggressions as a theoretical construct. Efforts have been devoted towards understanding the themes, track the progress of the term to its modern day use, the different forms that microaggressions take, and the consequences to individuals that suffer in these encounters. Typically, microaggression research is centered around interviews with minorities but there is minimal investigation into the presentation of these encounters on online platforms where users can maintain an anonymous identity. A content analysis with 5 codes was conducted of a blog that is open to anonymous users to share their encounters with microaggression. The results indicated that on this limited platform microaggressions occur most often against Black Americans and in the form of using stereotypes as a frame of reference for the actions of racial minorities. Though there are significant results from this study there are implications for further study to assess if the results can be generalized to other online platforms and the public.
