Volume 52, Issue 3 (2006) Person-Centered and Variable-Centered Approaches to Longitudinal Data
Person-Centered and Variable-Centered
Approaches to Longitudinal Data
Brett Laursen and Erika Hoff
Person-Oriented and Variable-Oriented Research:
Concepts, Results, and Development
Alexander von Eye and G. Anne Bogat
Variable- and Person-Centered Approaches
to the Analysis of Early Adolescent Substance Use:
Linking Peer, Family, and Intervention Effects With
Developmental Trajectories
Arin M. Connell, Thomas J. Dishion, and Kirby Deater-Deckard
Mother and Caregiver Sensitivity Over Time:
Predicting Language and Academic Outcomes
With Variable- and Person-Centered Approaches
Kathy Hirsh-Pasek and Margaret Burchinal
Predictive Validity of Personality Types Versus
Personality Dimensions From Early Childhood to
Adulthood: Implications for the Distinction Between
Core and Surface Traits
Jens B. Asendorpf and Jaap J. A. Denissen
Trajectories of Reading Development: A Follow-up
From Birth to School Age of Children With and
Without Risk for Dyslexia
Heikki Lyytinen, Jane Erskine, Asko Tolvanen, Minna Torppa, Anna-Maija Poikkeus, and Paula Lyytinen
Emotional Availability in Mother-Child Dyads:
Short-Term Stability and Continuity From
Variable-Centered and Person-Centered Perspectives
Marc H. Bornstein, Motti Gini, Joan T. D. Suwalsky, Diane L. Putnick, and O. Maurice Haynes
Predicting Interpersonal Competence
and Self-Worth From Adolescent Relationships
and Relationship Networks: Variable-Centered
and Person-Centered Perspectives
Brett Laursen, Wyndol Furman, and Karen S. Mooney
The Person-Oriented Versus the Variable-Oriented
Approach: Are They Complementary, Opposites,
or Exploring Different Worlds?
Lars R. Bergman and Kari Trost
Consulting Editors
Consulting Editors
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly Editors