This study compared the long-term predictive validity of person-centered personality types and variable-centered personality dimensions assessed between ages 4–6 years in a population sample of 154 children. Results indicated that the predictive power of both approaches was remarkably robust between age 17 and 22, and even increased in the case of aggressiveness. At age 22 the long-term predictive ability of both types and dimensions was about equal, both in terms of the multivariate percentage of explained variance and the number of significant longitudinal correlates. This pattern is consistent with the notion that personality types and variables represent core personality domains that predict a wide range of longitudinal outcomes. However, the predictive ability of both approaches was larger for personality traits and intelligence than for social relationships outcomes. Implications for the distinction between core and surface traits are discussed.
Recommended Citation
Asendorpf, Jens B. and Denissen, Jaap J. A.
"Predictive Validity of Personality Types Versus
Personality Dimensions From Early Childhood to
Adulthood: Implications for the Distinction Between
Core and Surface Traits,"
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly: A Peer Relations Journal: Vol. 52:
3, Article 6.
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