Submissions from 2022
Conflict With Administrators: Meeting Graduate Medical Education Hours Requirements, Joshua Chronis, Anna Kang, Tzu Ning Liu, Serena Simpson, Stephen Venable, and Benjamin Wright
Conflict With Patients: Patient Frustration, Joshua Chronis, Anna Kang, Tzu Ning Liu, Serena Simpson, Stephen Venable, and Benjamin Wright
Conflict With Peers: Timeliness of a Project Completion, Joshua Chronis, Anna Kang, Tzu Ning Liu, Serena Simpson, Stephen Venable, and Benjamin Wright
Debunking Medical Myths: Vitamin C, Alem Cizmic, Elise Turke, Justin Lee, Rabe Al-Silwadi, Hope Baldwin, and Katya Parker
Resiliency Storyboard: Confidence in Professional Identity Formation, Matthew Corsi, Joshua Kirschner, Samantha Pfiffner, Haniyeh Zamani, Catherine Bogolawski, and Logan Thayer
Debunking Medical Myths: Do Vaccines Cause Autism?, Jessica Declercq, Rebecca Bilich, Mohamad Bazzi, Sydney Jansen, Nicholas Righi, and Bhargav Ayloo
Resiliency Storyboard: Turning Doubt into Growth, Liana De La Torre, Mariam Samir, Pragathi Pathanjeli, Daniel Kim, Parker Marsh, and Jacob Katzman
Debunking Medical Myths: Getting the Facts about HIV, Andrew Demko, Justin Bennie, Christelle Wharram, Eli Tanenbaum, Jennifer Schmidt, and Amanda Paskavitz
Conflict With Administrators: Disrespectful Communication with Medical Student, Ian Detroyer, Emily Fisher, RaeAnn Hill, Alexander Jurayj, Saad Masud, and Madison Wang
Conflict With Patients: Poor Prognosis, Ian Detroyer, Emily Fisher, RaeAnn Hill, Alexander Jurayj, Saad Masud, and Madison Wang
Conflict With Peers: Respecting Patient Information, Ian Detroyer, Emily Fisher, RaeAnn Hill, Alexander Jurayj, Saad Masud, and Madison Wang
Debunking Medical Myths: Alcohol Addiction, Daniel Domin, Varsha Kumar, Sarah Bassett, Kristofer Hilliard, Karis Tutuska, and Allen Zhang
Resiliency Storyboard: Supporting Studying Endeavors and maintaining Mental Health, Alyssa Dsouza, Samuel Grand, Hassan Ahmad, Sreenavya Gandikota, Nicholas Zura, and Allison Boland
Debunking Medical Myths: Microwave Radiation Cause Cancer?, Bethani Dunlap, Andrew Mizerowski, Andrew Kirmse, Shirley ElFishawy, Nicole Naidoo, and Jacob Sullivan
Debunking Medical Myths: The Truth about Vaccines, Adam Elder, Zoe Jeffries, Vanessa Drust, Mina Sitto, Melissa Ly, and Veronica Marougail
Resiliency Storyboard: The Long Journey Ahead, Shirley ElFishawy, Nicole Naidoo, Jacob Sullivan, Bethani Dunlap, Andrew Mizerowski, and Andrew Kirmse
Chronic Illness Education 2022: Hypertension in Adults, Ahmad El-Moussa, Bhavana Garapati, Jhonny Lopez, Mariam Abdelmesih, Matthew Hansen, Omar Abbas, and Shreya Balusu
Chronic Illness Education 2022: Addressing Risk of Body Image and Eating Disorders in Adolescents with Type I Diabetes, Ahmad El-Moussa, Dhruva Kadiyala, Kavitha Mohanarajan, Kevin Kim, Michael Brennan, Rajaa Shoukfeh, and Ruth Amoakohene
Resiliency Storyboard: Confidence in Clinical SKILLS, Michael Escobar, Nicholas Pryde, Quynh Liu, Michael Melhem, Lillian Baumann, and Victoria Kelley
Resiliency Storyboard: Compassionate Growth, Rachel Feldstein, Matthew Kim, Anthony Grayson, Mikaela Grudzien, Sara Kazyak, and Joel Drazin
Debunking Medical Myths: Addiction Vs Choice, Chayton Fivecoat, Hannah O'Brien, Alexandra Hay, Sofia Howson, Catrina Stephan, and Nicholas Stevenson
Conflict With Administrators: Increased Employee Workload, Katerina Furman, Suraj Jaipalli, Sanika Kulkarni, Enxhi Lalo, Eliza Lewis, and Rohan Thomas
Conflict With Patients: Building Rapport, Katerina Furman, Suraj Jaipalli, Sanika Kulkarni, Enxhi Lalo, Eliza Lewis, and Rohan Thomas
Conflict With Peers: Facilitating Open Discussion, Katerina Furman, Suraj Jaipalli, Sanika Kulkarni, Enxhi Lalo, Eliza Lewis, and Rohan Thomas
Debunking Medical Myths: Raw Milk Healthy or Medical Myth?, Sreenavya Gandikota, Nicholas Zura, Allison Boland, Alyssa Dsouza, Samuel Grand, and Hassan Ahmad
Chronic Illness Education 2022: Creating a community-oriented guide to prevent complications of hypertensive crisis, Kyle Garcia, Eleanor Lasch, Hanna Simmons, Jack Mcconnell, Jordan Tall, and Sarah Chung
Debunking Medical Myths: MSG Safety, Meyer Gershater, Gabriella Shab, Amanda Rodriguez, Ahmad Chouman, and Anthony Mrocko
Conflict With Administrators: Negative Feedback From an Evaluator, Caroline Grubbs, Cullen Hudson, Cynthia Matos Molina, Bobak Ossareh, Narmeen Rehman, and Kalemelekot Taye
Conflict With Patients: Patient Refuses Treatment, Caroline Grubbs, Cullen Hudson, Cynthia Matos Molina, Bobak Ossareh, Narmeen Rehman, and Kalemelekot Taye
Conflict With Peers: Offering Criticism, Caroline Grubbs, Cullen Hudson, Cynthia Matos Molina, Bobak Ossareh, Narmeen Rehman, and Kalemelekot Taye
Debunking Medical Myths: Stretching Prevents Sports Injuries, Mikaela Grudzien, Sara Kazyak, Joel Drazin, Rachel Feldstein, Matthew Kim, and Anthony Grayson
Resiliency Storyboard: Learn from Mistakes, Collin Gustafson, Adlai Nelson, Matthew Myhand, Arsh Kaiser, Erin Madden, and Chelsea Yu
Debunking Medical Myths: Using Some Pharmaceutical Drugs After The Expiry Date, Samih Hamadeh, Alexandra Yorks, Janae Martin, Ariana Madson, Karthik Sridasyam, and Aryamaan Gaddam
Resiliency Storyboard: Team Oriented Growth Mindset, Johan Harris, Noor Sulieman, Alex Rodriguez, Minisha Kanakarajan, David Greiver, and Kathy Lu
Debunking Medical Myths: Vitamin C Prevents the Common Cold, Jacfar Hassan, Vikash Mehan, Sadaf Hashemian, Keinnan Hares, Bria Elrod, and Julia Chase
Conflict With Administrators: Long Term Impact on Patient Care, Priscella Holland, Nikkisha Mills, Mehnaaz Mohammed, Dillon Patel, Stephen Redding, and Thomas Sprys-Tellner
Conflict With Patients: Patient Misunderstanding of Diagnostic, Priscella Holland, Nikkisha Mills, Mehnaaz Mohammed, Dillon Patel, Stephen Redding, and Thomas Sprys-Tellner
Conflict With Peers: Empathy for Team Members, Priscella Holland, Nikkisha Mills, Mehnaaz Mohammed, Dillon Patel, Stephen Redding, and Thomas Sprys-Tellner
Chronic Illness Education 2022: Food choices made easy: Eating well with CKD, Arqam Husain, Amir Kalantar, Ismail Aijazuddin, Nada Jaradat, Raisa Zahir, Rubab Imtiaz, and Tristan Papcun
Conflict With Administrators: Negotiating Schedules, Arqam Husain, Jordan Molina, Alex Ramirez, Jessica Tan, and Julia Yee
Conflict With Patients: Inappropriate Patient behavior, Arqam Husain, Jordan Molina, Alex Ramirez, Jessica Tan, and Julia Yee
Conflict With Peers: Working Together to Complete Project, Arqam Husain, Jordan Molina, Alex Ramirez, Jessica Tan, and Julia Yee
Chronic Illness Education 2022: Improving Pediatric Mental Health by Educating Parents, Arqam Husain, Arjun Muralidharan, Cecilly Kelleher, Dawei Chen, Eleftherios Halkias, Rumyah Rafique, and Saiteja Mogasala
Debunking Medical Myths: Vaping Risks, Nada Jaradat, Rubab Imtiaz, Raisa Zahir, Ismail Aijazuddin, Amir Kalantar, and Tristan Papcun
Debunking Medical Myths: EGGS & Your Heart Health, Sai Dheeraj Reddy Kagithala, Maighdlin Patterson, Anyan Cheng, Nicolas Ceniza, and Alex Duvall
Debunking Medical Myths: Breakfast is the Most Important Meal of the Day, Arsh Kaiser, Erin Madden, Chelsea Yu, Collin Gustafson, Adlai Nelson, and Matthew Myhand
Resiliency Storyboard: Adapting to Change, Amir Kalantar, Tristan Papcun, Nada Jaradat, Rubab Imtiaz, Raisa Zahir, and Ismail Aijazuddin
Debunking Medical Myths: How Face Masks Affect The Ability To Breathe, Minisha Kanakarajan, David Greiver, Kathy Lu, Johan Harris, Noor Sulieman, and Alex Rodriguez
Chronic Illness Education 2022: Improving Dietary Habits Among Undergraduate Students to Combat Anxiety/Depression, Aditi Kappagantu, Adrienne-Denise Bilbao, Alexander Buendia, Anuj Kavi, Lana Zalt, Mark Gregory, and Rachel Puentes
Debunking Medical Myths: Is Starving Yourself an Effective Way to Lose Weight?, Anuj Kavi, Alexander Buendia, Adrienne-Denise Bilbao, Lana Zalt, Rachel Puentes, and Mark Gregory
Resiliency Storyboard: Commitment, Ahmad Khatib, Omar Abbas, Mariam Abdelmesih, Jhonny Lopez, Bhavana Garapati, and Shreya Balusu
Debunking Medical Myths: Lung Damage Is Permanent. The Irreversible Damage of Smoking, Daniel Kim, Parker Marsh, Jacob Katzman, Liana De La Torre, Mariam Samir, and Pragathi Pathanjeli
Resiliency Storyboard: Mental Fatigue, Enoch Kim, Lauren Larson, Shagane Kotcharian, Sadie Knill, Alejandro Ponce Sepulveda, and Doo Hee Kim
Resiliency Storyboard: Growth Mindset in Gross Anatomy, Amelia Klamen, Rida Farook, Camera Dockery, Jacob Baraz, Shehroz Malik, and Isaac Goldberg
Debunking Medical Myths: Does Knuckle-Cracking Cause Osteoarthritis?, John Knapp, Shahrin Khan, James Mo, George Kidess, Nili Modi, and Rebecca Adams
Debunking Medical Myths: Is MSG Unhealthy, Sadie Knill, Alejandro Ponce Sepulveda, Doo Hee Kim, Enoch Kim, Lauren Larson, and Shagane Kotcharian
Resiliency Storyboard: Guilt and Pressure Work vs Relationships, Ahmad Kofahi, Jodene Takahashi, Huda Warsame, Caleb Richard, Janice Gibbons, and Hadi El Ammar
Debunking Medical Myths: Sunscreen Use is Only Required on Bright sunny Days, Andrew Kohrman, Koushik Tuppil, Jordan Reid, Annie Tonnu, Stefanie Hilton, and Andrea Prenkocevic
Resiliency Storyboard: Seeking to Restore Balance by Mastering any New Challenge, Eleanor Lasch, Sarah Chung, Jack Mcconnell, Hanna Simmons, and Jordan Tall
Resiliency Storyboard: Learning Together, Justin Lee, Rabe Al-Silwadi, Hope Baldwin, Katya Parker, Alem Cizmic, and Elise Turke
Debunking Medical Myths: Can Blue Light Glasses Save Your Eyesight?, Sara Lehua Ma, Jad Baki, Lara Zraik, Tulsi Sadasivan, Wouter Ritsema, and Nicolas Baroni
Resiliency Storyboard: Mental Health, Nicholas Livingston, Laura Aravena, Tabassum Chowdhury, Kia Sweeney, Andrew Rabah, and Andrew Gregory
Debunking Medical Myths: Cracking Knuckles Leads to Arthritis., Erika Lopez, Jack Considine, Madeline Simone, Andranig Adjemian, Younes Motii, and Jordan Akins
Resiliency Storyboard: Time Management, Melissa Ly, Veronica Marougail, Adam Elder, Zoe Jeffries, Vanessa Drust, and Mina Sitto
Resiliency Storyboard: Developing Mental Endurance, Saranya Madan, Erin Bybee, Mehrnoosh Ghafouri Abbasabadi, Madison Graifman, Isaiah Hough, and Chase Morrison
Resiliency Storyboard: Trust in your Abilities, Ariana Madson, Karthik Sridasyam, Aryamaan Gaddam, Samih Hamadeh, Alexandra Yorks, and Janae Martin
Debunking Medical Myths: Impacts Bone Development In Children & Adolescents, Abdullah Mahmood, Molly Wilson, Lucas Edgren, Laial Baltaji, Karthek Ramchander, and Lyndsay Archer
Resiliency Storyboard: Adapting to New and Unusual Experiences, Alexis Malecki, Ehsan Noori, Rana Elhamzawy, Neil Patel, Benjamin Sliwinski, and Logan Nguyen
Conflict With Administrators: Disagreement in Patient Diagnostic Testing, Aman-vir Mandair, Rebecca Schultz, Tanha Shah, Jacob Slominski, Christofer Smith, and Nicole Xu
Conflict With Patients: Patient Advocating for Self Care, Aman-vir Mandair, Rebecca Schultz, Tanha Shah, Jacob Slominski, Christofer Smith, and Nicole Xu
Conflict With Peers: Team Moral, Aman-vir Mandair, Rebecca Schultz, Tanha Shah, Jacob Slominski, Christofer Smith, and Nicole Xu
Chronic Illness Education 2022: Reducing the Stigma of HIV in Southeast Michigan, Ruchi Mangal, Alex Rodriguez, David Greiver, Johan Harris, Kathy Lu, and Minisha Kanakarajan
Chronic Illness Education 2022: Chronic kidney disease prevention in patients with hypertension and diabetes., Ruchi Mangal, Lara Zraik, Nicolas Baroni, Sara Ma, Tulsi Sadasivan, and Wouter Ritsema
Chronic Illness Education 2022: A Recipe For Healthy Living, Awad Maria, Andrew Gregory, Andrew Rabah, Kia Sweeney, Laura Aravena, Nicholas Livingston, and Tabassum Chowdhury
Chronic Illness Education 2022: Raising awareness of pediatric depression & anxiety in Detroit, Awad Maria, Aaron Wilke, Arwa Saleem, Imran Rashid, Olivia Heppell, Sakshi Das, and Sean Garcia
Resiliency Storyboard: Burning Anxiety, Grace Markey, Meyer Gershater, Gabriella Shab, Amanda Rodriguez, Ahmad Chouman, and Anthony Mrocko
Debunking Medical Myths: Does Cold Weather Make You Sick?, Jack Mcconnell, Hanna Simmons, Jordan Tall, Eleanor Lasch, and Sarah Chung
Conflict With Administrators: Timely Submission of Evaluation, Austin Meadows and Jimeka Pettes
Conflict With Patients: Patient's Feedback on Scheduling Challenges, Austin Meadows and Jimeka Pettes
Conflict With Peers: Framing Problems and Challenges for Team Growth, Austin Meadows and Jimeka Pettes
Debunking Medical Myths: BMI Reliably Measures Body Fat, Michael Melhem, Lillian Baumann, Victoria Kelley, Michael Escobar, Nicholas Pryde, and Quynh Liu
Debunking Medical Myths: Building Wellness Without Breaking Down Joints, Devin Mendez, Abhijay Kumar, Hannah Adams, Justin Padron, Bridget Croniger, and Abrielle Holleran
Resiliency Storyboard: Isolation in Medical School, Kavitha Mohanarajan, Dhruva Kadiyala, Rajaa Shoukfeh, Kevin Kim, Michael Brennan, and Ruth Amoakohene
Chronic Illness Education 2022: Increasing HIV knowledge and awareness of the young adult population in the local Detroit community, Rachel Monconduit, Catherine Bogolawski, Haniyeh Zamani, Joshua Kirschner, Logan Thayer, Matthew Corsi, and Samantha Pfiffner
Resiliency Storyboard: Uncovering the Uncomfortable, Sabrina Montemayor, Kathleen Young, Shobi Mathew, Matthew Brennan, Aarti Patel, and Husain Al-Saffar
Debunking Medical Myths: Flu Vaccine and Pregnancy, Chase Morrison, Saranya Madan, Erin Bybee, Mehrnoosh Ghafouri Abbasabadi, Madison Graifman, and Isaiah Hough
Resiliency Storyboard: Issues we face, Younes Motii, Jordan Akins, Erika Lopez, Jack Considine, Madeline Simone, and Andranig Adjemian
Chronic Illness Education 2022: Obesity Awareness in Adults, Tyler Mumm, Daniel Kim, Jacob Katzman, Liana De La Torre, Mariam Samir, Parker Marsh, and Pragathi Pathanjeli
Chronic Illness Education 2022: Encouraging adherence to antihypertensive medications among an adult population, Tyler Mumm, Alexis Malecki, Benjamin Sliwinski, Ehsan Noori, Logan Nguyen, Neil Patel, and Rana Elhamzawy
Resiliency Storyboard: Depression, Arjun Muralidharan, Eleftherios Halkias, Dawei Chen, Rumyah Rafique, Saiteja Mogasala, and Cecilly Kelleher
Debunking Medical Myths: Knuckle Cracking Causes Arthritis, Ehsan Noori, Rana Elhamzawy, Neil Patel, Benjamin Sliwinski, Logan Nguyen, and Alexis Malecki
Resiliency Storyboard: Blending our Personal & Professional Identities, Elsa Nylund, Ajith Dupati, Leah Warren, Daniel Settecerri, Unie Gu, and Kevin Cobty
Chronic Illness Education 2022: Healthy Lifestyle Habits for Adolescents, Heba Osman, George Kidess, James Mo, John Knapp, Nili Modi, Rebecca Adams, and Shahrin Khan
Chronic Illness Education 2022: Heart Health: It Starts Now, Heba Osman, Alejandro Ponce Sepulveda, Doo Hee Kim, Enoch Kim, Lauren Larson, Sadie Knill, and Shagane Kotcharian
Resiliency Storyboard: The Student Protagonist: Our Character Development in the Field of Medicine, Justin Padron, Bridget Croniger, Abrielle Holleran, Devin Mendez, Abhijay Kumar, and Hannah Adams
Debunking Medical Myths: Black Patients and Pain Tolerance, Aarti Patel, Husain Al-Saffar, Sabrina Montemayor, Kathleen Young, Shobi Mathew, and Matthew Brennan
Chronic Illness Education 2022: Increasing Awareness of Cardiovascular Disease in Older Adult Women, Dhruvil Patel, Anthony Grayson, Joel Drazin, Matthew Kim, Mikaela Grudzien, Rachel Feldstein, and Sara Kazyak
Chronic Illness Education 2022: Adult obesity intervention within Detroit Community, Dhruvil Patel, Andrew Kirmse, Andrew Mizerowski, Bethani Dunlap, Jacob Sullivan, Nicole Naidoo, and Shirley ElFishawy
Chronic Illness Education 2022: Helping Patients Access Low-Cost Diabetes Supplies and Medications, Iyanna Peppers, Laial Baltaji, Lucas Edgren, Lyndsay Archer, and Molly Wilson
Chronic Illness Education 2022: Utilization of social media to address anxiety and depression in young adults, Iyanna Peppers, Abhijay Kumar, Abrielle Holleran, Bridget Croniger, Devin Mendez, Hannah Adams, and Justin Padron