Submissions from 2023
Debunking Medical Myths: Does CBD Treat Anxiety, Peter Zakaria, Carline Dugue, Ethan Mathew, Lauren Fleckenstein, Katherine Sommers, and Alexander Minos
Implicit Bias Mask: Heart Eyes, Peter Zakaria, Carline Dugue, Ethan Mathew, Lauren Fleckenstein, Katherine Sommers, and Alexander Minos
Conflict With Administrators: Ambiguous Hospital Policies, Allen Zhang, Daniel Domin, Karis Tutuska, Sarah Bassett, and Varsha Kumar
Conflict With Patients: Patient Autonomy and Optimal Treatment, Allen Zhang, Daniel Domin, Karis Tutuska, Sarah Bassett, and Varsha Kumar
Conflict With Administrators: Overwhelming Patient Load, Lara Zraik, Nicolas Baroni, Sara Ma, Tulsi Sadasivan, and Wouter Ritsema
Conflict With Patients: Patient dissatisfaction with Care Services, Lara Zraik, Nicolas Baroni, Sara Ma, Tulsi Sadasivan, and Wouter Ritsema
Submissions from 2022
Conflict With Administrators: Adequate Staffing, Fuad Abbas, Ahmed Ayantayo, Sara Farooqui, Omar Mahmood, Stephanie Morgan, Emile Tadros, and Zachary Vaishampayan
Conflict With Patients: Validating Patient's Concern, Fuad Abbas, Ahmed Ayantayo, Sara Farooqui, Omar Mahmood, Stephanie Morgan, Emile Tadros, and Zachary Vaishampayan
Conflict With Peers: Creating Nonpunitive and Respectful Environment, Fuad Abbas, Ahmed Ayantayo, Sara Farooqui, Omar Mahmood, Stephanie Morgan, Emile Tadros, and Zachary Vaishampayan
Debunking Medical Myths: Blue Light Blocking Lenses Prevent Eye Strain, Omar Abbas, Mariam Abdelmesih, Jhonny Lopez, Bhavana Garapati, Shreya Balusu, and Ahmad Khatib
Conflict With Administrators: Medical Student Reporting Mistakes, Andrew Abdallah, Andrea Batchev, Alexis Berry, Samuel David Weitzen, Tilmira Smith, and Michael Yu
Conflict With Patients: Risk of Patient Addiction, Andrew Abdallah, Andrea Batchev, Alexis Berry, Samuel David Weitzen, Tilmira Smith, and Michael Yu
Conflict With Peers: Honesty Among Team Members, Andrew Abdallah, Andrea Batchev, Alexis Berry, Samuel David Weitzen, Tilmira Smith, and Michael Yu
Conflict With Administrators: Maximizing Clinic Workflow, Youstina Abdallah, Kiernan Bloye, Joseph Files, Gautham Pavar, and Miranda Ratusznik
Conflict With Patients: Inappropriate Request from Patient, Youstina Abdallah, Kiernan Bloye, Joseph Files, Gautham Pavar, and Miranda Ratusznik
Conflict With Peers: Balancing Workload, Youstina Abdallah, Kiernan Bloye, Joseph Files, Gautham Pavar, and Miranda Ratusznik
Conflict With Administrators: Medication Information Shared with Patients, Mohammad Abdulghani, Zahra Alburkat, Gowri Chandrashekar, Natalia Duque, and Irtaza Malik
Conflict With Patients: Provider Behind Schedule, Mohammad Abdulghani, Zahra Alburkat, Gowri Chandrashekar, Natalia Duque, and Irtaza Malik
Conflict With Peers: Diversity of Thoughts and Opinions, Mohammad Abdulghani, Zahra Alburkat, Gowri Chandrashekar, Natalia Duque, and Irtaza Malik
Chronic Illness Education 2022: Type II Diabetes Management in Adults: Medications and Community Resources, Varag Abed, Camila Arellano, Carolyn Baldwin, Ethan Ervin, Haya Beydoun, Mahnoor Ayub, and Yoshio Wagner
Chronic Illness Education 2022: The Management of Diabetes and Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in Adults aged 65+, Varag Abed, Bhargav Ayloo, Jessica Declercq, Mohamad Bazzi, Nicholas Righi, Rebecca Bilich, and Sydney Jansen
Conflict With Administrators: Unresponsive to Feedback From Employee, Maha Ahmed, Matthew Brooks Bulkley, Nedda Elewa, Kenan Milliean, Harry Ramos, and Jennifer Sylvester
Conflict With Patients: Provider Error, Maha Ahmed, Matthew Brooks Bulkley, Nedda Elewa, Kenan Milliean, Harry Ramos, and Jennifer Sylvester
Conflict With Peers: Lack of Engagement by Peer Member, Maha Ahmed, Matthew Brooks Bulkley, Nedda Elewa, Kenan Milliean, Harry Ramos, and Jennifer Sylvester
Conflict With Administrators: Perform a Procedure Outside Scope of Knowledge, Maham Ahmed, Patrick dery, Samantha Katz, Rohan Patel, Alex Rosenbaum, and Jacqueline Townshend
Conflict With Patients: Disgruntled Patient, Maham Ahmed, Patrick dery, Samantha Katz, Rohan Patel, Alex Rosenbaum, and Jacqueline Townshend
Conflict With Peers: Lack of Contributions to Group Project, Maham Ahmed, Patrick dery, Samantha Katz, Rohan Patel, Alex Rosenbaum, and Jacqueline Townshend
Conflict With Administrators: Receiving Criticism from Administrator, Muhammad Ahmed, Taim Al-Jarrah, Sanjna Ghanshani, Mirna Kaafarani, Charlotte Thill, and Nolan Vora
Conflict With Patients: Calming an Anxious Patient, Muhammad Ahmed, Taim Al-Jarrah, Sanjna Ghanshani, Mirna Kaafarani, Charlotte Thill, and Nolan Vora
Conflict With Peers: Workload Distribution, Muhammad Ahmed, Taim Al-Jarrah, Sanjna Ghanshani, Mirna Kaafarani, Charlotte Thill, and Nolan Vora
Chronic Illness Education 2022: Diabetes Mellitus Education for Adults in Southeast Michigan, Muhammad Ahmed, Ahmad Kofahi, Caleb Richard, Hadi El Ammar, Huda Warsame, Janice Gibbons, and Jodene Takahashi
Chronic Illness Education 2022: Raising awareness about Perinatal HIV transmission risks and preventions, Muhammad Ahmed, Emma Streveler, John Lloyd, Joseph Cavataio, Mackenzie Howard, Riya Shah, and Rooshan Arshad
Conflict With Administrators: Patient Admission Disagreement, Omar Ahmed, Ann-Cathrin Guertler, Kendall Johnson, Katelyn Kerr, Griffin Murray, and Aron Weingarten
Conflict With Patients: Reassuring Patient, Omar Ahmed, Ann-Cathrin Guertler, Kendall Johnson, Katelyn Kerr, Griffin Murray, and Aron Weingarten
Conflict With Peers: Group Project Team Member Challenges, Omar Ahmed, Ann-Cathrin Guertler, Kendall Johnson, Katelyn Kerr, Griffin Murray, and Aron Weingarten
Conflict With Administrators: Withholding a Medical Error from a Patient, Xavier Akins, Haneen Ali, Cole Goodman, Erika Ouchi, Noor Suleiman, and Bobby Teng
Conflict With Patients: Challenging Patient, Xavier Akins, Haneen Ali, Cole Goodman, Erika Ouchi, Noor Suleiman, and Bobby Teng
Conflict With Peers: Confrontation in Team Functioning, Xavier Akins, Haneen Ali, Cole Goodman, Erika Ouchi, Noor Suleiman, and Bobby Teng
Resiliency Storyboard: Impostor Syndrome, Rommy Alaiwat, Nicole Ashley Hao, Nikhil Sundaram, Erin Markley, and Brandon Hudson
Conflict With Administrators: Constructive Criticism of Student, Yasmeen Alcodray, Sarah Alemara, Anthony Chifor, Rosetta Irons, Patrick Pawlaczyk, and Noah Welker
Conflict With Patients: Delay in Test Results, Yasmeen Alcodray, Sarah Alemara, Anthony Chifor, Rosetta Irons, Patrick Pawlaczyk, and Noah Welker
Conflict With Peers: Elicit Perspectives from Team Members, Yasmeen Alcodray, Sarah Alemara, Anthony Chifor, Rosetta Irons, Patrick Pawlaczyk, and Noah Welker
Conflict With Administrators: Lapse in Front Line Patient Care, Dominic Alessio-Bilowus, Victoria Allard, Shivansh Desai, Iyanna Peppers, Zoha Qureshi, and Shivang Shah
Conflict With Patients: Patient Empathy, Dominic Alessio-Bilowus, Victoria Allard, Shivansh Desai, Iyanna Peppers, Zoha Qureshi, and Shivang Shah
Conflict With Peers: Peer Behavior, Dominic Alessio-Bilowus, Victoria Allard, Shivansh Desai, Iyanna Peppers, Zoha Qureshi, and Shivang Shah
Chronic Illness Education 2022: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Teresa Alfauhernandez, Ajith Dupati, Daniel Settecerri, Elsa Nylund, Leah Warren, and Unie Gu
Chronic Illness Education 2022: Demystifying Disparities in Pediatric Asthma in Detroit, Teresa Alfauhernandez, Ahmed Elashmawy, Arielle Wenokur, Bashir Kaspo, Kaitlin Ziadeh, Kyla Kosidowski, and Mohamed Al-Hassan
Conflict With Administrators: Increased Hours in Work Schedule, Osama Alkhalili, Kiana Cabasa, Sikander Chohan, Carly conway, David Huynh, and Cassandra Keinath
Conflict With Patients: Patient Compliance to Hypertension Medications, Osama Alkhalili, Kiana Cabasa, Sikander Chohan, Carly conway, David Huynh, and Cassandra Keinath
Conflict With Peers: Equal Participation by Team Members, Osama Alkhalili, Kiana Cabasa, Sikander Chohan, Carly conway, David Huynh, and Cassandra Keinath
Chronic Illness Education 2022: Adult HIV Prevention, Screening, and Treatment, Mohamad Almujarkesh, Lillian Baumann, Michael Escobar, Michael Melhem, Nicholas Pryde, Quynh Nguyen (Liu), and Victoria Kelley
Conflict With Administrators: Addressing Workload, Tala Al-saghir, Deanna Harajli, Anneliese Rademacher, Abdullah Sahyouni, Matthew Trendowski, and Thomas Vander Woude
Conflict With Patients: Patient's Limited Knowledge of Standard Medical Care, Tala Al-saghir, Deanna Harajli, Anneliese Rademacher, Abdullah Sahyouni, Matthew Trendowski, and Thomas Vander Woude
Conflict With Peers: Competitiveness in Team, Tala Al-saghir, Deanna Harajli, Anneliese Rademacher, Abdullah Sahyouni, Matthew Trendowski, and Thomas Vander Woude
Resiliency Storyboard: Learning how to handle these new challenges in medical school, Natalie Amodei, Yusuf Yasarlar, Thomas Tracy, Connor Dasbach, Mohamad Saleh, and Genevieve Joseph-Mofford
Conflict With Administrators: Employee Struggling to Meet Expectations, Greg Andrianov, Aresh Bilal, Yusef Kunji, Leticia Simo, Anita Thompson, and Jonah Yousif
Conflict With Patients: Patient Defensive When Communicating, Greg Andrianov, Aresh Bilal, Yusef Kunji, Leticia Simo, Anita Thompson, and Jonah Yousif
Conflict With Peers: Appropriate Skill Levels of Team Members, Greg Andrianov, Aresh Bilal, Yusef Kunji, Leticia Simo, Anita Thompson, and Jonah Yousif
Conflict With Administrators: Problem Number of Patients to be Seen, Kamel Aoun, Sarah Battiston, Belinda Joseph Benher, Robert Martin, Sam Michalak, and Alexandra Picardal
Conflict With Patients: Patient Interaction, Kamel Aoun, Sarah Battiston, Belinda Joseph Benher, Robert Martin, Sam Michalak, and Alexandra Picardal
Conflict With Peers: Team Members Not Contributing Equally, Kamel Aoun, Sarah Battiston, Belinda Joseph Benher, Robert Martin, Sam Michalak, and Alexandra Picardal
Resiliency Storyboard: Medical Student Burnout, Lyndsay Archer, Abdullah Mahmood, Molly Wilson, Lucas Edgren, Laial Baltaji, and Karthek Ramchander
Resiliency Storyboard: Making Connections in Medical School, Camila Arellano, Haya Beydoun, Carolyn Baldwin, Yoshio Wagner, Ethan Ervin, and Mahnoor Ayub
Debunking Medical Myths: Lunar Lunacy, Rooshan Arshad, Riya Shah, John Lloyd, Mackenzie Howard, Joseph Cavataio, and Emma Streveler
Chronic Illness Education 2022: Reducing Modifiable Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease, David Asebiode, Francis Lauzier, Jonathan Lutchka, Megan Rasaiah, Min Yi Wu, and Sanjana Rao
Chronic Illness Education 2022: Diabetes Management in Adults in the Detroit Area, David Asebiode, Chase Morrison, Erin Bybee, Isaiah Hough, Madison Graifman, Mehrnoosh Ghafouri Abbasabadi, and Saranya Madan
Conflict With Administrators: Inappropriate Comment, Brandon Askar, Samuel Cain, Lauren Kasmikha, Dana LaBuda, Ruchi Mangal, and Cameron Rubino
Conflict With Patients: Patient Requesting Additional Test, Brandon Askar, Samuel Cain, Lauren Kasmikha, Dana LaBuda, Ruchi Mangal, and Cameron Rubino
Conflict With Peers: Seeking Clarification to Avoid Errors, Brandon Askar, Samuel Cain, Lauren Kasmikha, Dana LaBuda, Ruchi Mangal, and Cameron Rubino
Conflict With Administrators: Professionalism of Attending, Kriti Babu, Kelsey Gockman, John Kulka, Neethi Sriranga, Luke Wesemann, and Lauren Wylie
Conflict With Patients: Preference of Provider of Different Race, Kriti Babu, Kelsey Gockman, John Kulka, Neethi Sriranga, Luke Wesemann, and Lauren Wylie
Conflict With Peers: Helping Attitude Among Team Members, Kriti Babu, Kelsey Gockman, John Kulka, Neethi Sriranga, Luke Wesemann, and Lauren Wylie
Conflict With Administrators: Ambiguity in Hospital Policies, Esther Bae, Sahar Elmenini, Myles Hardeman, Jacob Kalkman, Riley Reed, and Jason Valencia
Conflict With Patients: Inappropriate Request from Family Member, Esther Bae, Sahar Elmenini, Myles Hardeman, Jacob Kalkman, Riley Reed, and Jason Valencia
Conflict With Peers: Project Management, Esther Bae, Sahar Elmenini, Myles Hardeman, Jacob Kalkman, Riley Reed, and Jason Valencia
Chronic Illness Education 2022: Preventing Cardiovascular Disease in Older Adults: Risk factors and prevention strategies for patients 65+, Aliaa Bahzad, Kyle Garcia, Jason Liu, Jonathan Richards, Megan Seyerle, Priya Sharma, and Taichi Suzuki
Resiliency Storyboard: Let’s Fight Burnout, Aliaa Bahzad, Jonathan Richards, Priya Sharma, Taichi Suzuki, Megan Seyerle, and Jason Liu
Conflict With Administrators: Reception Staff Communication Issues, David Bai, Lewis Graham, Sarah henry, Megan Nicholson, Bianca Parker, and Jeff Win
Conflict With Patients: Patient Waiting Time, David Bai, Lewis Graham, Sarah henry, Megan Nicholson, Bianca Parker, and Jeff Win
Conflict With Peers: Team Member Punctuality, David Bai, Lewis Graham, Sarah henry, Megan Nicholson, Bianca Parker, and Jeff Win
Conflict With Administrators: Workplace Bullying and Harassment by Administrator, Maya Baiyasi, Aya Dudar, Sebastian Duncan, Jerry Graham, Jared Hudson, and Alexis Nguyen
Conflict With Patients: Addressing Patient's Needs, Maya Baiyasi, Aya Dudar, Sebastian Duncan, Jerry Graham, Jared Hudson, and Alexis Nguyen
Conflict With Peers: Boosting Productivity, Maya Baiyasi, Aya Dudar, Sebastian Duncan, Jerry Graham, Jared Hudson, and Alexis Nguyen
Conflict With Administrators: Academic Commitments Scheduling Conflicts, Mark Baker, Ali Kadouh, Elizabeth Kody, Vidhya Nadarajan, Veevek Shah, and Lucki Word
Conflict With Patients: Patient Autonomy, Mark Baker, Ali Kadouh, Elizabeth Kody, Vidhya Nadarajan, Veevek Shah, and Lucki Word
Conflict With Peers: Standardizing Team Functioning, Mark Baker, Ali Kadouh, Elizabeth Kody, Vidhya Nadarajan, Veevek Shah, and Lucki Word
Debunking Medical Myths: E-cigarettes are not Harmless!, Jacob Baraz, Shehroz Malik, Isaac Goldberg, Amelia Klamen, Rida Farook, and Camera Dockery
Conflict With Administrators: Hospital Patient Protocol Conflicts, Taylor Barrow, Hassan Elshebiny, Trisha Gupte, Nyla Leonardi, and James Montgomery
Conflict With Patients: Nonadherence to Medication, Taylor Barrow, Hassan Elshebiny, Trisha Gupte, Nyla Leonardi, and James Montgomery
Conflict With Peers: Informing Team Members of Specific Roles, Taylor Barrow, Hassan Elshebiny, Trisha Gupte, Nyla Leonardi, and James Montgomery
Chronic Illness Education 2022: Prevention of High Blood Pressure in Adult Populations, Gabrielle Barthel, Allison Boland, Alyssa Dsouza, Hassan Ahmad, Nicholas Zura, Samuel Grand, and Sreenavya Gandikota
Conflict With Administrators: Maintaining Professionalism in Interpersonal Skills Development, Kishwar Basith, Anirudh Chitale, Madison Mervis, Rachel Monconduit, Takahiro Ouchi, and Kaitlin Ross
Conflict With Patients: Refusing Care from Male Medical Student, Kishwar Basith, Anirudh Chitale, Madison Mervis, Rachel Monconduit, Takahiro Ouchi, and Kaitlin Ross
Conflict With Peers: Communicating Team Member Responsibilities, Kishwar Basith, Anirudh Chitale, Madison Mervis, Rachel Monconduit, Takahiro Ouchi, and Kaitlin Ross
Resiliency Storyboard: Procrastination, Sarah Bassett, Kristofer Hilliard, Karis Tutuska, Allen Zhang, Daniel Domin, and Varsha Kumar
Chronic Illness Education 2022: Prevention and Prevalence of Depression Among Medical Students and Residents, Brandon Batarse, Aarti Patel, Husain Al Saffar, Kathleen Young, Matthew Brennan, Sabrina Montemayor, and Shobi Mathew
Chronic Illness Education 2022: Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Pediatric Mental Health and Actions We Can Take to Combat Them, Brandon Batarse, Giulia Santangelo, Katherine Heeres, Liam Browning, Nabta Laz, and Simon Yacoub
Conflict With Administrators: Overnight Shifts Frustration of an Employee, Matthew Bautista, Paige Hammis, Benjamin Huber, Sarah Kelly, Luz Nagle, and Nathan Sim
Conflict With Patients: Patient Perspective on Diagnostic Test, Matthew Bautista, Paige Hammis, Benjamin Huber, Sarah Kelly, Luz Nagle, and Nathan Sim
Conflict With Peers: Managing Task in Group Project, Matthew Bautista, Paige Hammis, Benjamin Huber, Sarah Kelly, Luz Nagle, and Nathan Sim