These infographics were developed by learning communities in the School of Medicine to share clear information in plain language regarding common questions about a variety of medical topics, with facts based on peer-reviewed studies in the scientific literature. The materials in this collection are shared under the Creative Commons Public Domain license, or CC-0, meaning they may be freely remixed, reused and redistributed by the general public for the broadest possible public health impact.

Patient Education

Chronic Illness Education

By Disease

By Age

Debunking Medical Myths (2023, 2022)

As a member of a learning community, medical students identified a Medical Myth focusing on topics such as vaccination, diet, preventative medicine, or infectious disease. The learning communities searched the literature to find peer-reviewed articles that speak to the myth. They further evaluated the literature to select the strongest evidence against the myth. Using this information, they created a plain-language infographic that debunks the myth for a patient/healthcare consumer audience. This assignment’s goal was to develop an understanding of communicating with patients as part of a physician’s Professional Identity Formation.

Search this collection by the following keywords to find projects by topic: Adult, Diabetes, Health Behavior, Nutrition, Prevention, Supplement, Treatment, Vaccine, Vitamins & Supplements, Weight Loss, Wellness

COVID-19 Medical Myths

Professional Identity Formation

Resiliency Storyboards

Search this collection by the following keywords to find Storyboards by topic: Burnout, Challenges, Characteristics, Collaboration, Empathy, Expectation, Navigating, Perseverance, Prioritizing, Strategies, Work Life Balance

Implicit Bias Masks

Search this collection by the following keywords to find entries by topic: Ableism, Age, Balance, Bias, Collaboration, Community, Cultivating, Diversity, Education, Empathy, Equity, Geographic Location, Growth, Health beliefs and choices, Homelessness, Imposter Syndrome, Introspection, Overweight & Obesity, Positive Outlook, Racial bias, Resilience, Sexual identity-sex and gender, Serving, Socioeconomic status, Stages

Professionalism Conflict: White Coat Pocket Cards


Browse the Patient Education Collections:

COVID-19 Medical Myth Infographics

Debunking Medical Myths

Patient Education Projects

Professionalism Conflict: White Coat Pocket Cards

Resiliency Storyboard Growth Mindset Project