Merrill-Palmer Quarterly: Journal of Developmental Psychology | Vol 65 | Iss 1

Volume 65, Issue 1 (2019)



Cumulative Family Stressors and Kindergarten Adjustment: The Exacerbating Role of Teacher–Child Conflict
Megan E. Pratt, Jodi Swanson, Lauren van Huisstede, and Larissa M. Gaias


Parents’ Racial Beliefs and Ethnic–Racial Socialization in African American Families
Beth Kurtz-Costes, Tanée M. Hudgens, Olivenne D. Skinner, Elizabeth A. Adams, and Stephanie J. Rowley


Relations Between Theory of Mind and Academic School Readiness: The Moderating Role of Child Gender
Carla Martins, Ana L. Barreto, Joana Baptista, Ana Osório, Eva C. Martins, and Manuela Verissimo