Volume 57, Issue 3 (2011)
Peer Acceptance and Friendship as Predictors of
Early Adolescents’ Adjustment Across the Middle
School Transition
Julie Newman Kingery, Cynthia A. Erdley, and Katherine C. Marshall
Predicting Difficulties in Youth’s Friendships:
Are Anxiety Symptoms as Damaging
as Depressive Symptoms?
Amanda J. Rose, Wendy Carlson, Aaron M. Luebbe, Rebecca A. Schwartz-Mette, Rhiannon R. Smith, and Lance P. Swenson
The Unique Effects of Parental Alcohol and Affective
Disorders, Parenting, and Parental Negative Affect
on Adolescent Maladjustment
Moira Haller and Laurie Chassin
Exploring the Incremental Validity of Nonverbal
Social Aggression: The Utility of Peer Nominations
Jamilia J. Blake, Eun Sook Kim, and A. Michele Lease
Peer Victimization as a Mediator of the Relation
Between Facial Attractiveness and
Internalizing Problems
Lisa H. Rosen, Marion K. Underwood, and Kurt J. Beron
Consulting Editors
Consulting Editors
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly Editors