Volume 52, Issue 4 (2006)
Maternal Emotional Expressiveness and
Attachment Security: Links to Representations
of Relationships and Social Behavior
Deborah Laible
Behavioral Characteristics Associated with
Stable and Fluid Best Friendship Patterns
in Middle Childhood
Julie C. Wojslawowicz Bowker, Kenneth H. Rubin, Kim B. Burgess, Cathryn Booth-LaForce, and Linda Rose-Krasnor
Perceptions of Friendship Quality and Observed
Behaviors with Friends: How do Sociometrically
Rejected, Average, and Popular Girls Differ?
Jennifer E. Lansford, Martha Putallaz, Christina L. Grimes, Kimberlea A. Schiro-Osman, Janis B. Kupersmidt, and John D. Coie
How Children’s Justifications of the “Best Thing to
Do” in Peer Conflicts Relate to Their Emotional and
Behavioral Problems in Early Elementary School
Bonnie J. Leadbeater, Jeneva L. Ohan, and Wendy L. Hoglund
The Relationship of Young Children’s Motor Skills to Later Reading and Math Achievement
Seung-Hee Son and Samuel J. Meisels
Predicting Preschool Cognitive Development
from Infant Temperament, Maternal Sensitivity,
and Psychosocial Risk
Jean-Pascal Lemelin, George M. Tarabulsy, and Marc A. Provost
Consulting Editors
Consulting Editors
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly Editors