Volume 51, Issue 4 (2005)
As Stories Become Familiar: Mother-Child
Conversations During Shared Reading
Duncan McArthur, Lauren B. Adamson, and Deborah F. Deckner
Mothers’ and Fathers’ Attitudes Regarding
Pretend Play in the Context of Imaginary
Companions and of Child Gender
Tracy R. Gleason
Hidden Shyness in Children:
Discrepancies Between Self-Perceptions
and the Perceptions of Parents
and Teachers
Andrea L. Spooner, Mary Ann Evans, and Renata Santos
Links Among Gender, Inhibition,
and Parental Socialization
in the Development of Prosocial Behavior
Paul D. Hastings, Kenneth H. Rubin, and Laura DeRose
Parents’ Causal Attributions Concerning
Their Children’s School Achievement:
A Longitudinal Study
Katja Rytkönen, Kaisa Aunola, and Jari-Erik Nurmi
Mothers’ and Preschoolers’ Mental State
Language During Reminiscing Over Time
David J. Rudek and Catherine A. Haden
Consulting Editors
Consulting Editors
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly Editors