Volume 51, Issue 3 (2005)
Personality in Children
Charles F. Halverson
Adolescent Personality Types and Subtypes
and Their Psychosocial Adjustment
Ron H. J. Scholte, Cornelis F. M. van Lieshout, Cees A. M. de Wit, and Marcel A. G. van Aken
The Two Faces of Temptation:
Differing Motives for Self-Control
Lauri A. Jensen-Campbell and William G. Graziano
Temperament Factors as Longitudinal
Predictors of Young Adult Personality
James E. Deal, Charles F. M. Halverson Jr., Valerie Havill, and Roy P. Martin
Parent and Child Personality Traits
and Children’s Externalizing Problem
Behavior From Age 4 to 9 Years: A Cohort-
Sequential Latent Growth Curve Analysis
P. Prinzie, P. Onghena, and W. Hellinckx