Volume 48, Issue 2 (2002)
Developmental and Gender
Differences in Preadolescents’
Judgments of the Veracity of Gossip
Ami Flam Kuttler, Jeffrey G. Parker, and Annette M. La Greca
Parents’ Reactions to Elementary School
Children’s Negative Emotions: Relations to
Social and Emotional Functioning at School
Sarah Jones, Nancy Eisenberg, Richard A. Fabes, and David P. MacKinnon
Emergence of White-Lie Telling
in Children Between 3 and 7 Years of Age
Victoria Talwar and Kang Lee
Does Parental Mood or Efficacy
Mediate the Influence of Environmental
Chaos Upon Parenting Behavior?
Feyza Corapci and Theodore D. Wachs
Mother–Child Joint Writing and
Storybook Reading: Relations With
Literacy Among Low SES Kindergartners
Dorit Aram and Iris Levin
Consulting Editors
Consulting Editors
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly Editors