Submissions from 2025
How Do Selected Biomedical and Health Sciences Journals React to Submissions of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Assisted Manuscripts?, Misa Mi, Lin Wu, Yingting Zhang, and Wendy Wu
Exploring stress, fatigue, burnout, and resilience among healthcare personnel in Southeast Asia: A scoping review, Kelsey Trulik, Vijaya Arun Kumar, Wendy Wu, Muralidhar Varma, Mauli M. Patel, Kajol Manglani, and Trini A. Mathew
Submissions from 2024
Surveys: Who's asking? Who's answering? Is anybody listening?, Virginia C. Thomas
Who’s going to sue? A look at environmental citizen suits, Virginia C. Thomas
Submissions from 2023
An Ethical Framework for Library Publishing Version 2.0, Tina Baich, Nina Collins, Jaime Ding, Abigail Gulya, Zoe Wake Hyde, Bernadette A. Lear, Joshua Neds-Fox, Charlotte Roh, Melanie Schlosser, Kate Shuttleworth, and Christine Turner
Oxidative Stress and MicroRNAs in Endothelial Cells under Metabolic Disorders, Morgan Minjares, Wendy Wu, and Jie-Mei Wang
The Notion and Assessment of “Predatory” in Scholarly Publishing, Teresa Schultz, Leila Belle Sterman, Joshua Neds-Fox, Matt Ruen, Brianne Selman, and Stephanie Towery
Anticoagulant Drug-Drug Interactions with Cannabinoids: A Systematic Review, Maureen A. Smythe, Wendy Wu, and Candice L. Garwood
Michigan Supreme Court records and briefs: New access to a historical resource, Virginia Thomas
Miscellany on the UCC and Its Primary Drafters, Virginia C. Thomas
Submissions from 2022
Building First‑Year Medical Students’ Skills in Finding, Evaluating, and Visualizing Health Information Through a “Debunking Medical Myths” Curricular Module, Katherine Akers, Ella Hu, Narmeen Rehman, Ho Jun Yun, Jacob Hoofman, Rachel Monconduit, and Jennifer Mendez
Integration of arts and humanities in medicine to develop well-rounded physicians: the roles of health sciences librarians, Misa Mi, Lin Wu, Yingting Zhang, and Wendy Wu
Opioids for Dyspnea End of Life Review, Lindsey Obarzanek, Wendy Wu, and Victoria Tutag-Lehr
Practice Makes Professionalism, Virginia C. Thomas
Roadside Zoo: A Term in Search of Legal Definition?, Virginia C. Thomas
Where’s the Beef, Turkey, Butter, Cheese, or Other Animal Ingredient?, Virginia C. Thomas
What's Your Research Personality? A New Way of Engaging Students in Resource and Service Discovery Through a Homegrown Quiz App, Troy Walker and Veronica Bielat
Submissions from 2021
Journey to the Warrior Family Space, Veronica Bielat, Gabrielle Bray, and Megan L. Hakala
Michigan Practice Materials: A Selective Annotated Bibliography, Jan B. Bissett
Research, Interrupted, Jan B. Bissett and Margi Heinen
Military Working Dogs: Tracking Their Journey from Equipment to K-9 Heroes, Virginia Thomas
Maximize use of library electronic resources to help students achieve better board examination scores through LibGuides and collaboration with a pharmacy educational specialist, Wendy Wu and Karen Gessler
Submissions from 2020
How an Idea Became a Team: The First Year with Team Dolly, Betty Adams, Stefanie Caloia, Nina Fawaz, Megan Hakala, Lori Rinaldi, and Sarah Sorensen
Findable, Impactful, Citable, Usable, Sustainable (FICUS): A Heuristic for Authors of Digital Publishing Projects, Nicky Agate, Cheryl E. Ball, Alison Belan, Monica McCormick, and Joshua Neds-Fox
Bankruptcy Law Resources, Jan B. Bissett and Margi Heinen
Our Story: ILL in the Time of COVID-19, Robin L. Darling, Megan L. Hakala, Sherry L. Barclay, and Deborah L. Horanic
Four health science librarians’ experiences: How they responded to the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, Misa Mi, Yingting Zhang, Lin Wu, and Wendy Wu
Communicating Uncertainty During Public Health Emergency Events: A Systematic Review, Pradeep Sopory, Ashleigh M. Day, Julie M. Novak, Stine Eckert, Lillian Wilkins, Donyale R. Padgett, Jane P. Noyes, Fatima A. Barakji, Juan Liu, Beth N. Fowler, Javier B. Guzman-Barcenas, Anna Nagayko, Jacob J. Nickell, Damecia Donahue, Kimberly Daniels, Tomas Allen, Nyka Alexander, Marsha L. Vanderford, and Gaya M. Gamhewage
Balancing Services and Safety During the Pandemic: One Law Library’s Story, Virginia C. Thomas
Submissions from 2019
Student Success "Outside-the-Box", Veronica E. Bielat, Matt Wisotsky, Katie Iverson, and Louiza Taylor
Evolving Research: Habits, Skills, and Technology, Jan B. Bissett and Margi Heinen
Tribal Law Resources and American Indian Law Research Guides, Jan B. Bissett and Margi Heinen
From the Horse’s Mouth: What Research and Other Lawyering Competencies Do New Law Graduates Need to Be Successful?, Virginia C. Thomas
Creating Best Practice LibGuides to Facilitate Students' Learning, Wendy Wu
Submissions from 2018
Collaboration Between Health Sciences Librarians and Faculty as Reflected by Articles Published in the Journal of the Medical Library Association, Katherine G. Akers, Molly Higgins, Jennifer A. DeVito, Sally Stieglitz, Robert Tolliver, and Clara Y. Tran
Transforming Student Assistants to Student Assets, Veronica Bielat, Katrina B. Rouan, Matthew Wisotsky, and Louiza Taylor
Research Mash-Up: Disparate Approaches, Jan B. Bissett and Margi Heinen
An Ethical Framework for Library Publishing, Jason Boczar, Nina Collins, Rebel Cummings-Sauls, Terri Fishel, Valerie Horton, Harrison W. Inefuku, Sarah Melton, Joshua Neds-Fox, Wendy C. Robertson, Charlotte Roh, Melanie Schlosser, Jaclyn Sipovic, Camille Thomas, and Monica Westin
Command Line Crash Course, Cole Hudson
Using Old Streets to Make New Inroads to Data: Part 1, Cole Hudson
Avro: Overview and Implications for Metadata Processing, Graham S. Hukill and Cole Hudson
Start With an Hour a Week: Enhancing Usability at Wayne State University Libraries, Maria T. Nuccilli, Elliot J. Polak, and Alex Binno
At Your Service! Assistance Animals and the Law in Michigan, Virginia C. Thomas
For Your Entertainment: Researching Animal Cruelty Under the Big Top, Virginia C. Thomas
Harnessing Wikipedia as a Tool: An Analysis of Traffic Sources, Krysta Vincent
Digital Tools for Managing Different Steps of the Systematic Review Process, Wendy Wu, Katherine Akers, Ella Hu, Alexandra Sarkozy, and Patricia Vinson
Submissions from 2017
Being Critical and Constructive: A Guide to Peer Reviewing for Librarians, Katherine G. Akers
Introducing altmetrics to the Journal of the Medical Library Association, Katherine G. Akers
Publishing Case Studies in Health Sciences Librarianship, Katherine G. Akers and Kathleen Amos
Use of the Research Readiness Self-Assessment (RRSA) to Evaluate Medical Students’ Competencies in Finding and Evaluating Online Health Information (Poster Presented at MHSLA Annual Conference), Katherine G. Akers, LaVentra E. Danquah, Ella Hu, Sandra Martin, Wendy Wu, and Patricia Vinson
Cultivating Legal Research Skills, Jan B. Bissett and Margi Heinen
Collecting with a Plan: The Arthur S. Obermayer Personal Library, Alison M. Greenlee and Sarah J. Andrus
Using Historical Interlibrary Loan Data and OCLC to Downsize our Print Journal Collection, Mike Hawthorne, Andy Breeding, James E. Van Loon, Brittany Hill, and Paul Beavers
Who’s Talking about Scholarly Communication? An Examination of Gender and Behavior on the SCHOLCOMM Listserv, Clayton Hayes and Heidi Elaine Kelly
Who's Talking about Scholarly Communication? Poster Presented at MiALA 2017, Clayton Hayes and Heidi Elaine Kelly
Keeping the Channel Open: Building a Problem Reporting Tool, Cole Hudson
Quality Evaluation of Data Management Plans at a Research University, James E. Van Loon, Katherine G. Akers, Cole Hudson, and Alexandra Sarkozy
Flipped Out: Teaching New Pharmacy Students Drug Literature Searching and Evaluation Using Online Instruction, Mini Lecture, and Active Learning, Wendy Wu and Veronica E. Bielat
Submissions from 2016
New journals for publishing medical case reports, Katherine G. Akers PhD
ORCID Author Identifiers: A Primer for Librarians, Katherine G. Akers, Alexandra Sarkozy, Wendy Wu, and Alison Slyman
CytoJournal Quiz Cases: Publishing Open-Access, PubMed-Searchable Cytopathology Cases with Educational Messages, Katherine G. Akers and Vinod B. Shidham
Bringing Law to the Community: Facilitating Access to Justice in Metropolitan Detroit, Beth Applebaum, Jan Bissett, Michelle LaLonde, Michael Samson, and Virginia Thomas
Crossroads for Success: University Mission, Community Partnerships and Information Literacy, Judith Arnold, Veronica Bielat, and Katrina B. Rouan
Decoding Legislation: Finding Historical Acts and Codes, Jan B. Bissett and Margi Heinen
Letter to the Editor Regarding “Clinical Effectiveness and Safety of Powered Exoskeleton-Assisted Walking in Patients with Spinal Cord Injury: Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis”, Marcel P. Dijkers, Katherine G. Akers, Sujay S. Galen, Diane E. Patzer, and Phuong T. Vu
An Introduction to LaTeX, Clayton Hayes
The Mathematics of Scientific Research: Scientometrics, Citation Metrics, and Impact Factors, Clayton Hayes
One-To-Many: Building a single-search interface for disparate resources, Cole Hudson and Graham Hukill
Wrapping an Image Server in Proxy and Cache Blankets, Graham Hukill
Chao Yuanfang: Imperial Physician of the Sui Dynasty and an Early Pertussis Observer?, Yan Liang, Abdulbaset M. Salim, Wendy Wu, and Paul E. Kilgore
Use of Mobile Devices to Access Resources Among Health Professions Students: A Systematic Review, Misa Mi, Wendy Wu, Maylene Qiu, Yingting Zhang, Lin Wu, and Jie Li
Growing Up Fast: Using Vagrant to Prototype New Infrastructure, Joshua Neds-Fox, Cole Hudson, and Graham S. Hukill
Of Plain English and Plain Meaning, Virginia C. Thomas
Boundaries and Borders: Michigan’s Early Legal History in the U.S. Congressional Serial Set, Virginia C. Thomas
Submissions from 2015
Re-thinking Information Literacy Instruction with the ACRL Framework, Judith Arnold and Veronica E. Bielat
The League of Librarians: Combining our Powers to Create Sustainable Service, Judith Arnold, Veronica Bielat, and Joshua Neds-Fox
Accurately Instructed in the Law: Finding State Jury Instructions, Jan B. Bissett and Margi Heinen
The Shoulders on Which We Stand, Jan B. Bissett and Margi Heinen
How We Closed A Library And Opened Up Our Stacks: Providing Alternative Access Through Virtual Shelves, Cole Hudson
Librarian as Developer: Reconciling the two with Big Ideas, Cole Hudson
WSULS Digital Collections API, Cole Hudson
Escape Velocity: What We Built (Digital Collections Infrastructure), Graham Hukill and Cole Hudson
Digital Humanities in Ten Pages or Less! Engaging Students with Digital Texts through Sustainable Collaboration, Julie Thompson Klein, Judith Arnold, and Graham S. Hukill
XSD: The Path From Excel to XML: The Basics: Mapping Elements and Attributes, Amelia Mowry
The Elements of Web Communication (for Amateurs), Joshua Neds-Fox
Copyright in Classroom Materials: Videos, Illustrations and Photographs, Michael Priehs and Joshua Neds-Fox
Increasing Your Research Impact: Digital Commons and Altmetrics, Michael Priehs and Alexandra Sarkozy
Improving Our Reference Data, or How We Killed the Hash Mark, Katrina B. Rouan and Graham S. Hukill
Submissions from 2014
Re-emagining Library Guides for Independent E-learning, Judith Arnold and Veronica E. Bielat
Engaging Faculty in Information Literacy, Judith M. Arnold and Veronica E. Bielat
Fishing with the Crowd: Catch and Release?, Jan B. Bissett and Margi Heinen
Prospecting for Digital Nuggets: Research Gems on the Web, Jan B. Bissett and Margi Heinen
The Future of Cloud-Based Library Systems, Steven K. Bowers and Elliot J. Polak
Copyright Awareness, Partnerships, And Training Issues In Academic Libraries, Deborah H. Charbonneau and Michael Priehs
UELMA: The Uniform Electronic Legal Material Act, Marlene Coir and Virginia C. Thomas
E-volving Information Literacy Tutorials with E-maginative and E-ngaging Design, Damecia Donahue, Axa Liauw, Rebeca Peacock, and Jill Wurm
The University Press: Trends, Initiatives, and Collaborations Over the Past Several Years, Clayton Hayes and Robert P. Holley
Visualizing Our Book Shelves: How We Took Harvard’s Stack View And Made It Our Own, Cole Hudson
Preparing for Preservation, Cole Hudson and Graham Hukill