"Findable, Impactful, Citable, Usable, Sustainable (FICUS): A Heuristic for Authors o . . ." by Nicky Agate, Cheryl E. Ball et al.

Document Type

Technical Report


We came together in Spring 2018 at a two-day think tank hosted by Duke University Libraries and supported by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, with dozens of other librarians, publishers, and scholarly communication stakeholders, to work on the question of sustainably publishing large digital projects. The outcome of that discussion turned into an extended project at TriangleSCI 2018 and culminated in the heuristic presented here.The heuristic can be used as a checklist to help authors (and their project team) assess their needs when it comes to making their digital projects findable, impactful, citable, usable, and sustainable (creating the acronym FICUS).


Art Practice | Digital Humanities | Educational Technology | Instructional Media Design | Interdisciplinary Arts and Media | Library and Information Science | Rhetoric and Composition | Technical and Professional Writing
