Sociological Practice | Vol 11 | Iss 1

Volume 11, Issue 1 (1993) Social Gerontology: The Linkage of Sociological Knowledge and Practice

Volume 11 begins with an overview of sociology's contribution to the study of aging in society—both past and future. Cox and Newtson review the historical development of social gerontology and identify significant sociological perspectives that have been applied to the study of aging. Also included in this section are two reprinted articles. The piece by Pollak has been abstracted from Social Adjustment in Old Age: A Research Planning Report (Social Science Research Council, 1948). It represents one of the earliest reports on the implications of the changing demographic structure of society in the United States. A sociological understanding of what aging may be like in the twenty-first century is provided by Riley in an abstracted reprint of her 1990 Boettner Lecture. In this lecture, she addresses the critical issue of how social structures will need to be changed to foster the growing numbers, strengths, and heterogeneity of older people as we move into the twenty-first century.

Read more from guest editor Joyce M. Iutcovich in the Introduction to this issue.



Joyce M. Iutcovich

Full Sections


Section: Setting the Stage: Past and Future
Sociological Practice Editors, Harold Cox, Richard Newtson, Otto Pollack, Glen Heathers, and Matilda White Riley


Section: General Policy Issues
Sociological Practice Editors, Charles F. Longino Jr., Thomas R. Prohaska, Hansi K. Trites, Karen L. Scott, David Kowalewski, Steven Peterson, C. Neil Bull, and Share DeCroix Bane


Section: Caregivers of the Elderly
Sociological Practice Editors, Elizabeth K. Keech, Robert A. Harris, John M. Kelley, Lori F. Gerring, Christopher P. Peters, Jeffrey Michael Clair, Ferris J. Ritchey, Richard M. Allman, Gary T. Deimling, and Wendy J. Looman


Section: Medical System and the Elderly
Sociological Practice Editors and Jeffrey Michael Clair


Section: Educational Issues
Sociological Practice Editors, Edwin Rosenberg, and Arthur B. Shostak



History of Social Gerontology
Harold Cox and Richard Newtson


Everyday Lives of the Elderly: A Dimensional Analysis
David Kowalewski and Steven Peterson


Pennsylvania's Family Caregiver Support Program: A Demonstration Project
Elizabeth K. Keech, Robert A. Harris, John M. Kelley, Lori F. Gerring, and Christopher P. Peters


Satisfaction with Medical Encounters Among Caregivers of Geriatric Outpatients
Jeffrey Michael Clair, Ferris J. Ritchey, and Richard M. Allman



Resources on Aging
Sociological Practice Editors



About the Authors
Sociological Practice Editors


Editors in Chief
Elizabeth J. Clark
Jan M. Fritz
Guest Editor
Joyce M. Iutcovich