"Predictors of the Use of Respite Services . . ." by Gary T. Deimling and Wendy J. Looman


This research applies one prominent model of service utilization (the Andersen- Newman Model) to better understand the way in which family care givers utilize respite services when caring for older relatives. Specifically, this research examines racial (black and white) and generational (spouse and adult-child) differences between caregivers of Alzheimer's patients and the volume and type of respite services used. The sample (N= 359) is drawn from six Northeast Ohio programs in a consortium that uses a personal computer-based information system to collect intake, assessment, service use, and program satisfaction data from respite clients. Racial differences are found in client attrition and turnover. Results also show adult-child caregivers are the greatest users of day care. These generational differences persist despite the similarities in patient and caregiver need. Fee subsidy and relationship strain between the caregiver and elder predict the amount of service used. Findings suggest that practitioners need to take into account racial and generational factors in addition to traditional patient and caregiver needs when formulating care plans.

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