Wayne State University Department of Psychology Faculty Publications | Psychology | Wayne State University


Submissions from 2015


Reliable gains? Evidence for substantially underpowered designs in studies of working memory training transfer to fluid intelligence, Tim Bogg and Leanne Lasecki


Testing Theory of Planned Behavior and Neo-Socioanalytic Theory models of trait activity, industriousness, exercise social cognitions, exercise intentions, and physical activity in a representative U.S. sample, Phuong T. Vo and Tim Bogg

Submissions from 2014


Responsible Integration of Biological and Psychosocial Models: Comments on “Genetic Associations with Intimate Partner Violence in a Sample of Hazardous Drinking Men in Batterer Intervention Programs”, Antonia Abbey


Openness, neuroticism, conscientiousness, and family health and aging concerns interact in the prediction of health-related Internet searches in a representative U.S. sample, Tim Bogg and Phuong T. Vo


Change in Coping and Defense Mechanisms across Adulthood: Longitudinal Findings in a European-American Sample, Manfred Diehl, Helena Chui, Elizabeth L. Hay, Mark A. Lumley, Daniel Grühn, and Gisela Labouvie-Vief


Comparing the Characteristics of Homeless Adults in Poland and the United States, Paul A. Toro, Karen Hobden, Kathleen Wyszacki Durham, Marta Oko-Riebau, and Anna Bokszczanin


What residualizing predictors in regression analyses does (and what it does not do), Lee H. Wurm and Sebastiano A. Fisicaro

Submissions from 2013


Duel or Diversion? Conscientiousness and Executive Function in the Prediction of Health and Longevity, Tim Bogg and Brent W. Roberts


The Case for Conscientiousness: Evidence and Implications for a Personality Trait Marker of Health and Longevity, Tim Bogg and Brent W. Roberts


Parenting and Attachment among Low-Income African-American and Caucasian Preschoolers, Casey A. Dexter, Kristyn Wong, Ann M. Stacks, Marjorie Beeghly, and Douglas Barnett


Vascular Depression: An Early Warning Sign of Frailty, Daniel Paulson and Peter A. Lichtenberg


Effects of Anger Awareness and Expression Training versus Relaxation Training on Headaches: A Randomized Trial, Olga Slavin-Spenny, Mark A. Lumley, Elyse R. Thakur, Dana C. Nevedal, and Alaa M Hijazi


Development and application of the Chinese version of the adult strabismus quality of life questionnaire (AS-20): a cross-sectional study, Zong-Hua Wang, Wei Bian, Hui Ren, Rosemary Frey, Ling-Fei Tang, and Xian-Yuan Wang

Submissions from 2010


Social Interaction in Pain: Reinforcing Pain Behaviours or Building Intimacy?, Annmarie Cano and A. C. de C. Williams

Submissions from 2009


Perceived Entitlement to Pain-Related Support and Pain Catastrophizing: Associations with Perceived and Observed Support, Annmarie Cano, L Leong, J. B. Heller, and J. R. Lutz


Spouse Beliefs about Partner Chronic Pain, Annmarie Cano, L. R. Miller, and A. Loree


Comorbid Chronic Pain and Depression: Who Is at Risk?, L. R. Miller and Annmarie Cano


Sexual differentiation of the zebra finch song system: potential roles for sex chromosome genes, Michelle L. Tomaszycki, Camilla Peabody, Kirstin Replogle, David F. Clayton, Robert J. Tempelman, and Juli Wade

Submissions from 2008


Empathic and Nonempathic Interaction in Chronic Pain Couples, Annmarie Cano, Justin A. Barterian, and Jaclyn B. Heller

Submissions from 2007


A Preliminary Investigation of Affective Interaction in Chronic Pain Couples, Ayna B. Johansen and Annmarie Cano

Submissions from 2006


Coping, Pain Severity, Interference, and Disability: The Potential Mediating and Moderating Roles of Race and Education, Annmarie Cano, Ainoa Mayo, and Matthew Ventimiglia


Pain Affects Spouses Too: Personal Experience With Pain and Catastrophizing as Correlates of Spouse Distress, Michelle T. Leonard and Annmarie Cano


Chronic Pain in a Couples Context: A Review and Integration of Theoretical Models and Empirical Evidence, Michelle T. Leonard, Annmarie Cano, and Ayna B. Johansen


Perceived Spouse Responses to Pain: The Level of Agreement in Couple Dyads and the Role of Catastrophizing, Marital Satisfaction, and Depression, Laura Pence, Annmarie Cano, Beverly Thorn, and Charles Ward

Submissions from 2005


Multilevel Analysis of Couple Congruence on Pain, Interference, and Disability, Annmarie Cano, Ayna B. Johansen, and Aleda Franz


The Significant Other Version of the Pain Catastrophizing Scale (PCS-S): Preliminary Validation, Annmarie Cano, Michelle T. Leonard, and Aleda Franz

Submissions from 2004


Pain Catastrophizing and Social Support in Married Individuals with Chronic Pain: The Moderating Role of Pain Duration, Annmarie Cano


Marital functioning, chronic pain, and psychological distress, Annmarie Cano, Mazy Gillis, Wanda Heinz, Michael Geisser, and Heather Foran


Spousal Congruence on Disability, Pain, and Spouse Responses to Pain, Annmarie Cano, Ayna B. Johansen, and Michael Geisser


Do recent data from the Seychelles Islands alter the conclusions of the NRC Report on the toxicological effects of methylmercury?, Alan H. Stern, Joseph L. Jacobson, Louise Ryan, and Thomas A. Burke