"Marital functioning, chronic pain, and psychological distress " by Annmarie Cano, Mazy Gillis et al.

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This study examined whether marital functioning variables related uniquely to psychological distress and diagnoses of depressive disorder independent of pain severity and physical disability. Participants were 110 chronic musculoskeletal pain patients. Hierarchical regression results showed that marital variables (i.e. marital satisfaction, negative spouse responses to pain) contributed significantly to depressive and anxiety symptoms over and above the effects of pain severity and physical disability. In contrast, marital variables were not significantly related to diagnoses of depressive disorder (i.e. major depression, dysthymia, or both) after controlling for pain variables. In multivariate analyses, physical disability and marital satisfaction were uniquely related to depressive symptoms whereas physical disability, pain severity, and negative spouse responses to pain were uniquely related to anxiety symptoms. Only physical disability was uniquely related to major depression. The results suggest that models of psychological distress in chronic pain patients might be enhanced by attributing greater importance to interpersonal functioning and increasing attention to anxiety.


Psychology | Rehabilitation and Therapy | Social and Behavioral Sciences


This article is the author's manuscript and was previously published in final edited form as: Pain. 2004 January ; 107(1-2): 99–106.
