"Simple Shear Deformation And Fracture " by Yuan Gan

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WSU Access

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name



Mechanical Engineering

First Advisor

Xin Wu


Plastic behavior and fracture at high-strain region and under different strain paths (shear and uniaxial tension) are of current interest. In this paper a symmetric double shear testing method is developed, and a finite strain formulation is derived and applied for large strain measurement in shear-dominated strain path of AA6061 and DP780, which represent FCC and BCC polycrystalline solids. Large plastic deformation and fracture are studied, and are compared with uniaxial tensile behavior. The testing results provide an opportunity to compare various yield criteria and fracture criteria.

The fracture behaviors under shear and uniaxial tension modes are studied. Although much larger fracture strain was obtained in shear than in uniaxial tension, both are controlled by ductile strain localization at micro-scale, and apparently it is controlled by the magnitude of normal strain on the normal direction of the fractured surface.

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