""More Than Pictures": Dante Gabriel Rossetti And The Oxford Mural Project " by Tracee Glab

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WSU Access

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name



Art and Art History

First Advisor

Jennifer Olmsted


Dante Gabriel Rossetti's mural Sir Launcelot's Vision of the Sanc Grael (1857) for the Oxford Union had obstacles of visibility as soon as six months after he abandoned work on it. In spite of the mural's ruined, obscured, and unfinished state, it continued to be seen by Victorian viewers--both during and after the artist's life--through texts, reproductions of related artwork, and photographs of the mural project. The many constructed ways of seeing Rossetti's mural reflect both a determination to see the Oxford project in spite of its problems of visibility and to participate in creating Rossetti's reputation and artistic identity in the late nineteenth and first decade of the twentieth century.

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