"Threat By Association: Minimal Group Affiliation And Its Outcome For Stereotype Threa . . ." by Eric W. Fuller

Access Type

Open Access Thesis

Date of Award

January 2010

Degree Type


Degree Name




First Advisor

Rusty B. McIntyre


Stereotype threat has been shown to be an important cause of performance detriments in various social groups. It has also been theorized that stereotype threat could be applicable to any group so long as the individual believes their performance may reinforce the negative stereotype. The current work attempts to induce stereotype threat in participants believing they belong to an experimentally created and negatively stereotyped group using a minimal group paradigm. Across two studies there did not appear to be significant performance changes typically observed in stereotype threat research. Various cognitive measures and post-performance inquiries did generally support claims that participants were identifying and processing the stereotypes according to the instructions provided, suggesting that although performance was not affected, traditionally thought stereotype threat processes were occurring. Unexpected gender effects were also observed in both performance and post-test measures and are explored where appropriate. Suggestions for future iterations of the current work are suggested in light of the unsupported, yet plausible, hypotheses.
