Volume 68, Issue 1 (2022)
Composition of Friendship Networks and Health-Related Behaviors in Adolescents
Carlos Mario Arango-Paternina, Lucía Lema-Gómez, Cleiber Eusse-López, Jorge Luis Petro, Jose Petro-Petro, Milton López-Sánchez, Willinton Watts-Fernández, and Fabio Perea-Velásquez
The Association Between Young Adolescent Emotional Adjustment and Peer Affiliations: Making a Case for Gender Diversity Within Peer Relationships
Dawn DeLay, Ryan D. Field, Casey M. Sechler, and Carol Lynn Martin
Associations Between Adolescents’ Subjectively Experienced Emotions and Psychophysiological Reactions in Achievement Situations
Noona Kiuru, Anna-Sofia Trög, Marika Pasanen, Anu Tourunen, Jarno Mikkonen, Timo Ahonen, and Markku Penttonen
Mother–Child Language Style Predicts Internalizing Behaviors in Children Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence
Kara A. Cochran, G. Anne Bogat, Alytia A. Levendosky, Amy K. Nuttall, Georgia Bayerl, and Cecilia Martinez-Torteya