Volume 53, Issue 4 (2007)
Moving Away or Fitting In?
Understanding Shyness in Chinese Children
Yiyuan Xu, Jo Ann M. Farver, Lei Chang, Zengxiu Zhang, and Lidong Yu
Peer Relations at School Entry:
Sex Differences in the Outcomes of Foster Care
Leslie D. Leve, Philip A. Fisher, and David S. DeGarmo
Monthly Changes in the Composition of Friendship
Networks in Early Adolescence
Alessandra Chan and François Poulin
The Mediating and Moderating Effects of Teacher
Preference on the Relations between Students’ Social
Behaviors and Peer Acceptance
Lei Chang, Hongyun Liu, Kitty Y. Fung, Yan Wang, Zhonglin Wen, and Jo Ann M. Farver
Impression Formation and Modifiability:
Testing a Theoretical Model
Sylvie Mrug and Betsy Hoza
Consulting Editors
Consulting Editors
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly Editors