Volume 53, Issue 3 (2007) Gender and Children’s Friendships: Do Girls’ and Boys’ Friendships Constitute Different Peer Cultures, and What Are the Trade-Offs for Development?
Ethnic Heterogeneity of Social Networks and
Cross-Ethnic Friendships of Elementary School Boys
and Girls
Linda Lee, Carollee Howes, and Brandt Chamberlain
Same-Gender versus Cross-Gender Friendship
Similar or Different?
Particia McDougall and Shelley Hymel
Girl Talk:
Gossip, Friendship, and Sociometric Status
Kristina L. McDonald, Martha Putallaz, Chrinstina L. Grimes, Janis B. Kupersmidt, and John D. Coie
Friendship Features and Social Exclusion:
An Observational Study Examining Gender and
Social Context
Marion K. Underwood and Duane Buhrmester
The Protective Role of Friendships in Overtly and
Relationally Victimized Boys and Girls
Michelle E. Schmidt and Catherine L. Bagwell
Gender Differences in the Interpersonal
Consequences of Early-Onset Depressive Symptoms
Karen D. Rudolph, Gary Ladd, and Lisa Dinella
Structure, Content, and Socioemotional Correlates
of Girls’ and Boys’ Friendships:
Recent Advances and Future Directions
Amanda J. Rose
The Study of Sex, Gender, and Relationships
with Peers:
A Full or Empty Experience?
William M. Bukowski and Lina Maria Saldarriaga Mesa
Girlfriends and Boyfriends Diverging in Middle
Childhood and Coming Together in Romantic
Marion K. Underwood
Consulting Editors
Consulting Editors
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly Editors