Volume 53, Issue 1 (2007)
Children’s Effortful Control and Academic
Mediation through School Liking
Carlos Valiente, Kathryn Lemery-Chalfant, and Kimberly S. Castro
Gender Differences in Moral Motivation
Gertrud Nunner-Winkler, Marion Meyer-Nikele, and Doris Wohlrab
Perspectives on the Ethics of Sociometric
Research with Children:
How Children, Peers, and Teachers
Help to Inform the Debate
Lara Mayeux, Marion K. Underwood, and Scott D. Risser
Explaining Friendship Formation
and Friendship Stability:
The Role of Children’s and Friends’ Aggression
and Victimization
Wendy E. Ellis and Lynne Zarbatany
The Role of Context in Risk for Pediatric Injury:
Influences from the Home and Child Care Environments
David C. Schwebel and Carl M. Brezausek
Temperamental and Joint Attentional Predictors of
Language Development
Brenda J. Salley and Wallace E. Dixon Jr.
Consulting Editors
Consulting Editors
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly Editors