Volume 49, Issue 1 (2003)
Physical and Psychological Aggression
in At-Risk Young Couples: Stability and
Change in Young Adulthood
Deborah M. Capaldi, Joann Wu Shortt, and Lynn Crosby
An Initial Examination of Girls’ Cognitions
of Their Relationally Aggressive Peers as a
Function of Their Own Social Standing
Stephen S. Leff, Janis B. Kupersmidt, and Thomas J. Power
Differences Between Mothers’ and Fathers’
Advice-Giving Style and Content: Relations
With Social Competence and
Psychological Functioning
in Middle Childhood
David J. McDowell, Ross D. Parke, and Shirley J. Wang
Children’s Understanding of Social Rules
and Social Status
Gavin Nobes and Chris Pawson
Children’s Strategies for Displaying Anger
and Sadness: What Works With Whom?
Kimberly L. Shipman, Janis Zeman, April E. Nesin, and Monica Fitzgerald
Consulting Editors
Consulting Editors
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly Editors