Volume 47, Issue 2 (2001)
Home Environment and Behavioral Development During Early Adolescence: The Mediating and Moderating Roles of Self-Efficacy Beliefs
Robert H. Bradley and Robert F. Corwyn
The Lack of an Association Between Adolescent Friends' Prejudices and Stereotypes
P. Neal Ritchey and Harold D. Fishbein
Cumulative Risk and Continuity in Nonparental Care from Infancy to Early Adolescence
Malinda J. Colwell, Gregory S. Pettit, Darrell Meece, John E. Bates, and Kenneth A. Dodge
Parenting Practices and Child Social Adjustment: Multiple Pathways of Influence
Celene E. Domitrovich and Karen L. Bierman
Groups Social Functioning and Individual Socioemotional and School Adjustment in Chinese Children
Xinyin Chen, Huichang Chen, and Violet Kaspar
Family Experiences and Early Emotion Understanding
Charisse Linkie Nixon and Anne C. Watson
Consulting Editors
Consulting Editors
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly Editors