Past research of the link between sociometric status and friendship quality has been focused only on the focal children's perceptions. Children's perceptions, however, may differ from those of their friends. In a sample of 369 children (second to fifth grade), the concordance between children's and their friends' perceptions of various relationship features was examined as a function of children's sociometric status. Rejected children's perceptions showed considerably lower correlations with their friends' perceptions than did average and popular children's perceptions. Furthermore, rejected children's friends perceived their friendships, on average, less positively than rejected children themselves. Popular children's friends perceived their friendships, on average, more positively than popular children themselves. Average children's mean perceptions did not differ (rom those of their friends.
Recommended Citation
Brendgen, Mara; Little, Todd D.; and Krappmann, Lothar
"Rejected Children and Their Friends:
A Shared Evaluation of Friendship Quality?,"
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly: A Peer Relations Journal: Vol. 46:
1, Article 4.
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