Volume 46, Issue 1 (2000)
Extracting Truthful Information From Lies:
Emergence of the Expression-Representation Distinction
Kang Lee and Catherine Ann Cameron
Children's Understanding of the
Animacy Constraint on Pretense
Angeline S. Lillard, Alexandra Zeljo, Stephanie Curenton, and Astrida S. Kaugars
Rejected Children and Their Friends:
A Shared Evaluation of Friendship Quality?
Mara Brendgen, Todd D. Little, and Lothar Krappmann
Children's Evaluations of Peer Group Entry
and Limited Resource Situations
Glen E. Ray and Robert Cohen
Middle Adolescents' Dating Pathways
and Psychosocial Adjustment
Patrick T. Davies and Michael Windle
Conversational Styles of Mothers and Their Preadolescent
and Middle Adolescent Daughters
Sherry L. Beaumont
Developmental Differences in
Children's Conceptions of Parental Control:
"They Love Me, But They Make Me Feel Incompetent"
Eva M. Pomerantz and Missa Murry Eaton
Mothers' and Teachers' Home and School Rules:
Young Children's Conceptions of Authority in Context
Marie S. Tisak, Dushka Crane-Ross, John Tisak, and Amanda M. Maynard
Infant Imitation of Peer and Adult Models:
Evidence for a Peer Model Advantage
Brigette Oliver Ryalls, Robina E. Gul, and Kenneth R. Ryalls
Consulting Editors
Consulting Editors
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly Editors