Volume 45, Issue 2 (1999)
On Winning Some and Losing Some:
A Social Relations Approach
to Social Dominance in Toddlers
Patricia H. Hawley and Todd D. Little
Children's Conflict Tactics With Mothers:
A Longitudinal Investigation
of the Toddler and Preschool Years
Bonnie Kilmes-Dougan and Claire B. Kopp
Gender Differences in Young Adolescents'
Experiences of Peer Victimization:
Social and Physical Aggression
Julie A. Paquette and Marion K. Underwood
Emotion Talk Among Mexican American
and Anglo American Mothers and Children
From Two Social Classes
Ann R. Eisenberg
The ABCs of the ABCs: The Development
of Letter-Name and Letter-Sound Knowledge
Catherine McBride-Chang
Risk and Resilience in the Urban Neighborhood:
Predictors of Academic Performance
Among Low-Income Elementary School Children
Lee Shumow, Deborah Lowe Vandell, and Jill Posner
Mothering in Context:
Ecological Determinants of Parent Behavior
Steven A. Meyers
Book Review: Why Our Children Can't Read
Walter C. Sá
Consulting Editors
Consulting Editors
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly Editors