Volume 46, Issue 2 (1974)
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Human Biology Editors
Adolescent Female Height Velocity: Relationships to Body Measurements, Sexual and Skeletal maturity
Teoman Onat and Bilsel Ertem
The Relation Between Ponderal Index and Discrete Traits and Measurements of the Skull
Robert S. Corruccini
Angle of Femoral Torsion
A M. Vare
Australia Antigen in the Solomon Islands
B S. Blumberg, S Mazzur, K Hertzog, I Millman, J Bloom, and A Damon
A Comparison of Gene Frequency and Anthropometric Distance Matrices in Seven Villages of Four Indian Tribes
Fernando J. da Rocha, Richard S. Spielman, and James V. Neel
Congenital Defects of the Central Nervous System Associated with Hyperendemic Goiter in a Neolithic Highland Society of Western New Guinea: III. Serum and Urinary Iodine Levels in Goitrous and Adjacent Non-goitrous Populations
R M. Garruto, D C. Gajdusek, and J ten Brink
Congenital Defects of the Central Nervous System Associated with Hyperendemic Goiter in a Neolithic Highland Society of Western New Guinea: IV. Serum Proteins and Haptoglobins, Transferrins and Hemoglobin Types in Goitrous and Adjacent Non-Goitrous Western Dani Populations
C C. Curtain, D C. Gajdusek, Denise O'Brien, and R M. Garruto
Congenital Defects of the Central Nervous System Associated with Hyperendemic Goiter in a Neolithic Highland Society of Western New Guinea: V. A Note on Birth Weights and Infantile Growth Rates in the Mulia Population
D C. Gojdusek, R M. Garruto, and R Dedecker
Growth, Caloric Intake, and Activity Levels in Early Infancy: A Preliminary Report
Robert W. Mack and Mary Ellen Kleinhenz
Brief Communication
Book Notices
Human Biology Editors
Book Review
Book Reviews
Human Biology Editors