"Adolescent Female Height Velocity: Relationships to Body Measurements, Sexual and Ske . . ." by Teoman Onat and Bilsel Ertem

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Height velocity during adolescence was studied longitudinally for ½ years in 65 girls of Istanbul from the lower-middle socio-economic level. The relationships of body measurements, skeletal age and sexual development were analyzed in regard to age and peak of height velocity (PHV). The magnitude of PHV did not correlate with age of PIIV, with the ages of onset of secondary sexual characteristics, nor with the attained height, weight and skeletal age at PHV but with age of menarehe. Growth rate after PHV was found to be very significantly and inversely related with age of PHV. Adult height did not vary significantly in regard to age of PHV, since slower rate of growth with increasing age of PHV was compensated by a longer period of growth until PHV, during which a correspondingly greater height was attained. The age of adolescent growth spurt correlated with height, weight and skeletal age attained at PHV and more so with the ages of onset of secondary sexual characteristics and menarche. The sexual and skeletal develop­ment at PHV was, however, not constant and increased with increasing age of PHV. The variations of the intervals between ages of onset of secondary sexual characteristics to PHV were great enough to suggest that response to growth is not necessarily followed by a simultaneous response in sexual development and v ice versa.
