Volume 7, Issue 1 (1989) The Development of Clinical and Applied Sociology
Preface:The Sociological Practice Association is pleased to announce that in addition to publishing the Clinical Sociology Review, we will begin to publish Sociological Practice. Six volumes of the journal have appeared since its inception in 1976. This issue, our first, is Volume VII.Sociological Practice is intended to be a basic resource for practitioners, faculty, graduate students and upper-level undergraduate students who are in the social sciences. It also is designed to be of interest to those in other fields who now use or are considering the use of social science applications.
Our aim is to thoroughly cover selected topics in applied and clinical sociology. This issue is about the field of sociological practice, and future issues will focus on special areas of application such as sociological approaches to intervention and practical research in communities or in health settings.
This volume presents information about the core of the field of sociological practice: basic definitions, historical perspectives, ethical standards, and guidance for the establishment or improvement of sociological practice programs.
In order to adequately cover these core areas, some original articles have been prepared and others updated for this volume. Most of the documents have been selected from a variety of published sources. We tried to find relevant historical pieces as well as contemporary work that provided overviews, syntheses or special insights.
For those undertaking research on the history of sociological practice or those who are interested in current issues in the field, we would like to call your attention not only to the featured writers and ideas but also to the periodicals and books from which many of these selections were reprinted. Early issues of The American Journal of Sociology and The American Sociologist, for instance, are important sources of information when studying the history of clinical and applied sociology. Others, like The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science and the Clinical Sociology Review, are excellent references covering developments in theory, methods and substantive areas of practice.
Full Sections
Section: Overview of the Field: Definitions and History
Sociological Practice Editors, Albion W. Small, Herbert Newhard Shenton, Alvin W. Gouldner, Jeffrey G. Reitz, Paul F. Lazarsfeld, Jonathan A. Freedman, Albert E. Gollin, Alex Boros, Alfred McClung Lee, and Jan M. Fritz
Section: Contemporary Explorations
Sociological Practice Editors, David J. Kallen, Dorothy Miller, Arlene Daniels, James H. Laue, Roger A. Straus, and Joseph R. DeMartini
Section: Ethical Considerations
Sociological Practice Editors, Joseph H. Fichter, William L. Kolb, and Martin Bulmer
Section: Program Planning in Academic Settings
Sociological Practice Editors, Frank W. Blackmar, Carla B. Howery, Elizabeth J. Clark, Jan M. Fritz, Stephen F. Steele, Joseph Lamp, Harold Counihan, and Joan Albert
Overview of the Field: Definitions and History
Sociological Practice Editors
Fifty Years of Sociology in the United States (1865-1915)
Albion W. Small
Applied Sociology
Herbert Newhard Shenton
Explorations in Applied Social Science
Alvin W. Gouldner
History of Applied Sociology
Paul F. Lazarsfeld and Jeffrey G. Reitz
Defining Clinical Sociology
Jonathan A. Freedman
History of Applied Sociology: Some Interpretive Notes
Albert E. Gollin
A Workable Sociology
Alex Boros
The Convergence of Science and Humanistic Intervention: Practitioners in the Sociological Struggles
Alfred McClung Lee
The History of Clinical Sociology
Jan M. Fritz
Contemporary Explorations
Sociological Practice Editors
Sociology, Social Work and Social Problems
David J. Kallen, Dorothy Miller, and Arlene Daniels
Sociology as Advocacy: There are No Neutrals
James H. Laue
Changing the Definition of the Situation: Toward a Theory of Sociological Intervention
Roger A. Straus
Basic and Applied Sociological Work
Joseph R. DeMartini
Ethical Considerations
Sociological Practice Editors
Ethical Limitations on Sociological Reporting
Joseph H. Fichter and William L. Kolb
The British Tradition of Social Administration: Moral Concerns at the Expense of Scientific Rigor
Martin Bulmer
Sociological Practice Association Ethical Standards of Sociological Practitioners
Sociological Practice Editors
Program Planning in Academic Settings
Sociological Practice Editors
Reasonable Department of Sociology for Colleges and Universities
Frank W. Blackmar
Models for Applied Sociology Programs at the B.A. Level
Carla B. Howery
The Clinical Approach to Successful Program Development
Elizabeth J. Clark and Jan M. Fritz
Establishing a Local Research Center at a College or University
Stephen F. Steele, Joseph Lamp, Harold Counihan, and Joan Albert