"School Library Media Specialists: An Evolving Profession in a Pandemic " by Heather Kapanka

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In March 2020, Michigan’s school library media specialists, along with the entire educational community, found themselves facing unprecedented challenges brought by the disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic. As learning shifted online, the roles of school library media specialists shifted as well. Three southeast Michigan school library media specialists were interviewed to obtain their perspectives regarding the adaptation to distance learning, as well as how they predicted educational practices will evolve going forward. The educational practices of learning commons, guided inquiry, co-teaching, and information literacy were found to be particularly valuable during the shift to distance learning. The increased dependence on these practices during the pandemic will likely result in increased implementation of these practices when face-to-face learning resumes.


Library and Information Science | Online and Distance Education


This is the final accepted manuscript, after peer review but before final typesetting and copyediting, of an article appearing in IFLA Journal. In accordance with SAGE policies, reuse is restricted to non-commercial and no derivative uses.

The final published article may be accessed here: https://doi.org/10.1177/03400352211011494
