Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Using Objective Measures To Capture Work-Family Conflict, Rebecca Jean Early
Psychometric Properties Of The Coping Inventory For Stressful Situations In Individuals With Traumatic Brain Injury, Hillary A. Greene
Anger Expression: Evaluating The Construct Validity Of Several Emotion Regulation Measures, Matthew James Jasinski
Antidepressant Medications And Cognitive Functioning In Major Depressive Disorder, Rachel Kay
Temporal Relationships Between Psychological Distress And Risky Behaviors In A Sample Of Homeless And At-Risk Youth, Tegan Lesperance
"who Taught Us How To Lead?" Parental Influence On Leadership Styles, Asiyat Magomaeva
The Role Of World View Changes In The Longitudinal Associations Between Depression And Ptsd Symptoms And Later Sexual Problems, Erin Paige Mason
Cumulative Risk, Parental Emotional Expressivity, And Parental Secure Base As Predictors Of Children's Social Competence, Caitlin Marie Mclear
Life Factors And Attendance Rates For Women Enrolled In A Parenting Program, Lilia Elizabeth Mucka
Cumulative Risk, The Home Environment, And Interactive Book Reading Between Mother And Child As Predictors Of School Readiness, Laura Mary Northerner
Language Development Among Preschool Age Children Born Prematurely, Brittany Nicole Peters
Adolescent Dating Violence And Romantic Relationship Attachment In Young Adulthood: The Effects Of Relationship Commitment And Perceptions Of Alterability, Jennifer Marie Pierce
The Effect Of Sensory Impairment On Cognitive Functioning And Functional Status In Octogenarians And Centenarians, Annalise Marie Rahman
Ethnicity, Culture, And Mental Health Among College Students Of Middle Eastern Heritage, Hasti Ashtiani Raveau
Community Violence, Ethnicity, Psychological Distress, And Externalizing Behaviors In Emerging Adulthood: The Moderating Effects Of Social Support, Holly Hannah Reid
The Influence Of Parent-Child Conflict And Stressful Experiences On The Health Of Youth With Asthma, Erin T. Tobin
Neurobiological Correlates Of Personality And Emotional Expression In Traumatic Brain Injury, Christina G. Wong
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Detecting suboptimal effort in traumatic brain injury assessment, Jesse Ryan Bashem
Looking like a leader: an investigation into racial biases in leader prototypes, Benjamin John Biermeier-Hanson
Father Involvement As A Predictor Of Preschool Children's Academic Readiness And Socioemotional Competence, Travis Alexzander Goldwire
Adolescent Characteristics And Peer Influence As Predictors Of Antisocial Behavior In Males, Benjamin D. Goodlett
Sex Differences In The Dopaminergic Regulation Of Courtship, But Not Pairing Behaviors In Zebra Finches, Erin Marie Lowrey
A warm watchful eye: parental emotional support and monitoring in multisystem therapy for youth with diabetes, Dana K. May
Moderators of the effects of anger awareness and expression training and relaxation training to improve chronic headache symptoms, Elyse R. Sklar
Functional Correlates Of Verbal Working Memory In Healthy Aging And Early Alzheimer's Disease, Michael Adam Sugarman
The antecedents and outcomes of mcgregor's theory endorsement, Amy Elizabeth Sund
Emotion regulation and executive function measures: exploration of predicted relationships, Frederick Warren Upton
Concept Mapping As A Buffer Against Evaluative Flexibility, Keith Welker
A study of the effect of maternal depressive symptoms on the mother-infant relationship and protective effect of maternal reflective functioning, Kristyn M. Wong
Profiling leaders: using a profiling approach to examine the effects of multifactor leadership on follower deviance, Kevin Thomas Wynne
A Test Of Seven Work Commitment Models, Keith Lynn Zabel
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
When "why" matters: the effects of motive attributions for OCB on employee outcomes, Anne C. Bal
Social support, cognitive ability, and resilience in maltreated adolescents transitioning to adulthood, Nicholas Ryan Bergeron
Contributions of subcortical non-heme iron accumulation to age-related differences in spatial navigation, Ana Marie Daugherty
Parenting antecedents of parent-child shared-reading quality in a low-income sample: a pilot study, Casey Dexter
Anxiety and the lateral processing of threat stimuli, Angela Sue Fedewa
Relationships among posttraumatic stress disorder, shame, and cortisol regulation among youth with a history of childhood sexual abuse, Marilyn Franklin
Determinants of harsh parenting among young adult mothers with suspected histories of childhood abuse: an ecological investigation, Veronica Koci
Sexual self-schema and its influence on perceptions of sexual health in romantic relationships, Brittany A. Kohlberger
Longevity assurance gene 1's (lass1) relationship with cognitive and physical functioning, functional capacity, and inflammation in centenarians, Pamela Emily May
Examining nonverbal shame markers among post-pregnancy women with maltreatment histories, Rena A. Menke
Neuropathological diagnosis of alzheimer's disease: the relationship between postmortem assessment, cognitive function and functional status in centenarians, Emily Elizabeth Richardson
Lateralized differences in perceptual change blindness, Leia Cherie Vos
The Role Of Personality, Attitudinal And Situational Predictors In A Prospective Analysis Of Misperception Of Sexual Intent, Rhiana Marie Wegner
Incremental validity of neuropsychological evaluations to computed tomography scans for predicting long-term outcomes among persons with traumatic brain injury, Michael William Williams
Photographs, perspectives, and phenomenology: a search for mediated early childhood memories, A. Michelle Wright
The role of metabolic risk factors and white matter alterations in cognitive aging, Yiqin Yang
Problem alcohol use, personality, and social problem solving: does social problem solving account for the relationship between personality and problem alcohol use?, Kathryn Mariah Zumberg
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Assessing Complex And Spontaneous Attributions Related To Childhood Sexual Abuse, Ellen Patricia Barrett
How Does Memory Play A Role In Posttraumatic Stress Disorder? Further Support For The Basic Mechanisms Approach, Carissa Lynn Broadbridge
Perceived Leadership Effectiveness And The Role Of Transformational Behaviors, Culture, And Gender Of The Leader, Nathalie Castano
Threat By Association: Minimal Group Affiliation And Its Outcome For Stereotype Threat, Eric W. Fuller
Lateral Cognitive Processing And Belief Updating, Erin Marie Holcomb
Pre-Surgical Sleep As A Predictor Of Post-Surgical Pain, Maren Elizabeth Hyde-Nolan
Does Disinhibition Mediate Alcohol Use And Risk Taking?, Brian J. Klassen
Urocortin 2, A Corticotropin Releasing Factor Receptor 2 Agonist, Alters Energy Substrate Utilization, Kimberly Anne Laplante
The Use Of Humor By Leaders In Response To Situational Stressors, Ariel Maya Lelchook
Sequential Analysis Of Validation And Invalidation In Couples With Chronic Pain, Laura E. M. Leong
Teachers' Depression Symptoms: Effects Of Personality And School Environment, Jessica Mclaughlin
Generational Differences In Reaction To Negative Feedback, Abigail E.b. Reiss
The Contribution Of Genes And Hormones To The Sexual Differention Of The Zebra Finch Song System, Jessica Bayley Thompson
Do Coping And Perceived Soical Support Influence Depression In Teachers?, Amy Veenstra
Implicit Theories Of Motivation: A Scale Development Project, Nathan Wayne Weidner
Mindfulness And Relationship Health In Couples With Chronic Pain, Amy M. Williams
Theses/Dissertations from 1950
The Communication of Supervisory Functions and its Relationship to Employee Attitude, Betty Jane Neitzel