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Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Characterization Of Arsd: An Arsenic Chaperone For The Arsab As(iii)-Translocating Atpase, Jianbo Yang
Metal Chalcogenide Nanocrystal Assembly: From Synthesis To Applications, Qinghong Yao
Psychometric And Experimental Investigation Of Impulsivity, Rumination, Revenge, And Forgiveness, Jason David Young
Bullies And Victims In Middle School, Joseph James Zambo
Harmonic Sputtering Theory, Zhu Lin Zhang
Beyond The Dvh - Spatial And Biological Radiotherapy Treatment Planning, Bo Zhao
Search For The Decay Ds To Omega L Nu, Jin Zhu
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Does A Sense Of Control Moderate Self-Regulation Strategies And Performance? When Feedback Lingers, Annette Feravich
Patient Safety As An Interactional Achievement: Conversational Analysis In The Trauma Center Of An Inner City Hospital, Margaret Karadjoff
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
Impact of audio text, visual text and cueing on cognitive load and performance, Nardina N. Mein
Theses/Dissertations from 2003
An investigation of patterns in the sequence and emphasis of mathematical topics in the times data, Jana Mara. Abolins
Fractional integration in macroeconomic and financial time series : Evidence, Estimation and Application, Zuhair Nu'man. Al-Fakhouri
Demand for money in the G-7 countries : an application of cointegration, Wassel K. Al-Mashagbeh
Analysis, design, and tuning of the two-input two-output fuzzy control systems using the simplified fuzzy rules, Abdullah S. Alwadie
Relationship of parental tobacco use, peer influence, self-esteem, and tobacco use among Yemeni American adolescents, Omar Ghazi. Baker
The only hope for lasting progress and radical reform lies in the true education of children : Elizabeth Cady Stanton's philosophy of education, Brigid. Beaubien
Dynamics of the QCD phase transition in relativistic heavy ion collisions, David M. Bower
The effect of word-initial and word-final letter names on the reading and spelling performance of prereaders, Margo. Bowman
The effect of word-initial and word-final letter names on the reading and spelling performance of prereaders /, Margo. Bowman
Self-perception and depressive symptoms in adolescents with a developmental disability /, Kara M. Brooklier
Forming a bracketed interval around the trimmed mean : alternatives to S[subscript w], Jennifer M. Bunner
Policy making process : religious expression in public schools, Patricia A. E. Butler
Improving work performance of individuals with severe cognitive impairment through enabling technology, Donna J. Case
Improving work performance of individuals with severe cognitive impairment through enabling technology, Donna J. Case
Non-profit and for-profit workers during organizational innovation :, Gregg A. Chenoweth
Non-profit and for-profit workers during organizational innovation: Psychological contract, uncertainty, and communication coping tactics., Gregg Arlen. Chenoweth
The role of journalists in framing newspaper articles and editorials on school vouchers in Detroit, Mary D. Clark
An exploratory study of Wayne State University Bachelor of Social Work seniors' level of satisfaction with the collegiate experience, Janet. Clerk-Joiner
Management style in a large city police department and its effects on the morale of front line officers :, Gerald. Cliff
Management style in a large city police department and its effect on the morale of front line officers: The case of Detroit (Michigan)., Gerald H. Cliff
All we know of nation is what we see in the pictures : Will Rogers and the national imaginary in 1920's and 1930's America, Timothy S. Coleman
Magnetic resonance neuroimaging in prenatal alcohol exposed children, Bernadette M. Cortese
2001 Michigan hospital CQI/TQM study, Colleen L. Croxall
2001 Michigan hospital CQI/TQM study, Colleen L. Croxall
Novel synthesis and degradation pathways for the myelin proteolipid proteins, Maria A. Cypher
Method development in thin-layer and liquid chromatography, Neil C. Dias
Study of the surfactant nanostructures at the solid/liquid interface, Jinping. Dong
An EPSS approach to automated instructional design : its effect on novice designers' development, Lionel L. Douglas
Breaking News : The Portrayal of Crime, Justice and Victimization on Broadcast News, Ken. Dowler
Breaking news : The portrayal of crime, justice and victimization on broadcast news., Kenneth George. Dowler
Awareness training : an intervention prescribed to address deficit awareness and psychosocial adjustment with traumatic brain-injured adults, Diane Margaret. Drouillard
A compact multileaf collimator for conventional and intensity modulated fast neutron therapy, Jonathan Brent. Farr
Posttraumatic stress disorder in high-risk urban youth, Elissa. Fronczak
Analysis of the function of INO2p, a basic helix-loop-helix protein in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Kyle R. Gardenour
Managing private medical information in mediated contexts : disclosure in public settings, Mihaela Ioana. Gherman
Aerobic energy metabolism : the molecular evolution of COX8 in primates, Allon. Goldberg
An assessment of the influence of a talent search program on the academic and career goals of program participants, Charles M. Green
An assessment of the influence of a talent search program on the academic and career goals of program participants, Charles M. Green
Family supportive organization perceptions and the relationship between family related benefits and organizational attitudes, Mary Ann. Hannigan
Family supportive organization perceptions and the relationship between family related benefits and organizational attitudes, Mary Ann. Hannigan
A study of the perceptions of elementary school principal in Macomb, Oakland and Wayne counties regarding charter schools in the district, Oliver. Harden
To bear the slave's heavy cross, Willie Jake Harrell
To bear the slave's heavy cross : religion and the jeremiadic tradition as literary and social constructions in African-American protest, 1760--1865, Willie Jake. Harrell
A comparative analysis of three prevention initiatives and their effect on reducing special education referrals., Carla S. Harting
Schattenseiten des fortschritts - studien zum thema der industrialisierung in der deutschsprachigen literatur des 19. und Beginnenden 20. Jahrhunderts, Ingrid. Helbing
Schattenseiten des Fortschritts: Studien zum Thema der Industrialisierung in der deutschsprachigen Literatur des 19. und beginnenden 20. Jahrhunderts (German text, Louise Otto)., Ingrid Alice Heidi. Helbing
Job applicant reactions to hiring forms : the role of stereotype threat in Hispanic employment test performance, Laura. Hipley
Perceptions of change between teachers in high and low performing urban schools, Letha C. Hopkins
Perceptions of change between teachers in high- and low-performing urban schools., Letha C. Hopkins
Parallel synthesis and screening of libraries of heparin-based biomimetics targeting heparan sulfate-mediated biological processes, Liusheng Huang
Computational meta-analysis of protein interaction data, Dooseoung. Hwang
The relationship of motivation, goal theory, and perceptions of school culture of seventh grade Arab American students, Mona El-Sibai. Jalloul
The relationship of motivation, goal theory, and perceptions of school culture of seventh grade Arab American students, Mona El-Sibai. Jalloul
Parents of children with disabilities in Michigan involvement in the evaluation and individualized education program team process prior to and following the passage of IDEA 1997, Dona. Johnson-Beach
Parents of children with disabilities in Michigan involvement in the evaluation and individualized education program team process prior to and following the passage of IDEA 1997, Dona Marie. Johnson-Beach
The effects of learning style based instruction on consumer skill acquisition in supported employment programs, Kendra Deshawn. Johnson
The effects of learning style based instruction on consumer skill acquisition in supported employment programs, Kendra Deshawn. Johnson
Discovering document semantics QBS: A System for Querying the WWW by Semantics., Michael Lee. Johnson
A pilot study of teachers beliefs and intentions regarding the implementation of affective curriculum, Janice R. Jones
A pilot study of teachers beliefs and intentions regarding the implementation of affective curriculum /, Janice R. Jones
Characterization of two repression mechanisms in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Mohan R. Kaadige
India and the exile experience as mirrored in the writings of Jewish exiles and Indian writers, Kaushalya. Krishnamoorthy
The edges of fringe : development and structure of the American Fringe Festival, Amy. Lane
The effects of reality therapy group counseling on the self-determination of persons with developmental disabilities, Daniel H. Lawrence
The effects of reality therapy group counseling on the self-determination of persons with developmental disabilities [i.e. disabilities], Daniel H. Lawrence
Parametric and nonparametric IRT models for assessing differential item functioning, Karen Lee Ph.D.
In the spirit of '76 : The American Revolution Bicentennial and Detroit Redevelopment, 1966-1983 (Michigan)., Julie Longo
In the spirit of '76 : the American Revolution bicentennial and Detroit redevelopment, 1966--1983, Julie. Longo
Discriminatory policy change and ethnopolitical violence : a cross-national analysis, Marie Olson. Lounsbery
Discriminatory policy change and ethnopolitical violence: A Cross-National Analysis., Marie Olson. Lounsbery
Perceptions of school climate in charter schools and teacher motivation levels, Cheryl L. Mason-Bush
A study of high school principals' instructional leadership behaviors as perceived by teachers in urban comprehensive and magnet high schools, Mamie H. McCier
The partnership agreement : a collaborative communication strategy for increasing prescription medication adherence, Christopher R. Meloche
Assessment of student achievement, Vnona D. Miller
Assessment of student achievement : a comparative study of student achievement using paper and pencil assessment and computerized adaptive testing (CAT), Vnona D. Miller
Male-female relations in Tahar Ben Jelloun's L'Homme rompu and La Nuit de l'erreur, Shonu Nangia
Male-female relations in Tahar Ben Jelloun's L'homme rompu and La nuit de l'erreur, Shonu Nangia
Personality and social influences on the link between support and affect, Lynn C. Neely
The effects of internal organization structure and administrator education on the efficiency of U.S. short-term hospitals, Ifeakandu. Okoye
Explaining internal wars in Sub Saharan Africa : the role of governance, Abdulahi Ali. Osman
Modeling the dynamics of polymer solutions by dissipative particle dynamics, Guoai Pan
Enforceability and primary rights, Steven W. Patterson
Understanding hospitals' changing environments through the lens of complexity theory, Barbara L. Penprase
Understanding hospitals' changing environments through the lens of complexity theory, Barbara L. Penprase
Past perspectives, Derek John Petz