This special issue brings together papers presented at a conference, “Promoting the Well-Being of Children and Youth in Urban America,” held on the campus of Wayne State University in April 2004. These articles highlight multidisciplinary, multi-method research and research-in-context directed toward identifying protective and risky settings for children and youth in urban communities to suggest evidence-based solutions for intervention. Present in the themes of the papers is an acknowledgment of a larger social and political context connecting higher education, research, outreach, and policy. These issues will be explored further in the second biennial national children’s conference held at Wayne State University, “Promoting the Well-Being of Children and Youth in Urban America: Best Practices to Next Practices,” on September 28 and 29, 2006. This event will bring together researchers, clinicians, educators, students, policy makers, and community representatives to focus on best practices for promoting the health, education, and development of urban children and on disseminating program models for next practices.
Recommended Citation
Horn Ratner, Hilary and Brumitt, Gail
"Bridging Campus to Community
in the Lives of Urban Children and Youth:
Introduction to the Special Issue,"
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly: A Peer Relations Journal: Vol. 52:
2, Article 3.
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