The present study compares the results of three two-dimensional procedures for sociometric status determination: the Asher and Dodge (1986) system, the rating scale method SSrat of Maassen, Akkermans, and Van der Linden (1996), and the nomination procedure of Coie and Dodge (1983). The study followed 170 children from third grade through sixth grade. Children were asked (a) to nominate the classmates with whom they most liked and least liked to play, and (b) to rate how much they liked to play with each of their classmates. The SSrat method determines sociometric status with higher validity and stability than do the other two methods. SSrat’s methodological strengths and practical advantages as compared to the Asher and Dodge system demonstrate that it is a valuable, if not preferable, alternative for determining children’s sociometric status in situations where the use of a rating scale is appropriate.
Recommended Citation
Maassen, Gerard H. and Verschueren, Karine
"A Two-Dimensional Ratings-Based
Procedure for Sociometric Status
Determination as an Alternative
to the Asher and Dodge System,"
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly: A Peer Relations Journal: Vol. 51:
2, Article 5.
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