Agreement between peer, self-, and teacher nominations for aggressor, victim, and defender and the stability of peer and self-nominations over 4 months was examined. Informants varied in the prominence given to the different roles. Agreement was generally highest for aggressor, between peers and self for victim and defender, and between teacher and peers for aggressor. Classmates were most consistent in nominating aggressors, which showed high stability. Children were more likely to nominate children they liked most for any role and gave their friends more victim nominations. Self-nominations were low for aggressor but higher for defender and victim. Teacher nominations were highest for aggressor. Results are discussed in relation to the development and assessment of the roles.
Recommended Citation
Monks, Claire P.; Smith, Peter K.; and Swettenham, John
"Aggressors, Victims, and Defenders in
Preschool: Peer, Self-, and Teacher Reports,"
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly: A Peer Relations Journal: Vol. 49:
4, Article 4.
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