Volume 49, Issue 3 (2003)
Aggression and Adaptive Functioning:
The Bright Side to Bad Behavior
Patricia H. Hawley and Brian E. Vaughn
Negative Interactions and Social
Competence for Preschool Children in Two
Samples: Reconsidering the Interpretation
of Aggressive Behavior for Young Children
Brian E. Vaughn, Margaret Vollenweider, Kelly K. Bost, Muriel R. Azria-Evans, and J. Blake Snider
Prosocial and Coercive Configurations of
Resource Control in Early Adolescence:
A Case for the Well-Adapted Machiavellian
Patricia H. Hawley
Forms and Functions of Adolescent Peer
Aggression Associated With High Levels
of Peer Status
Mitchell J. Prinstein and Antonius H. N. Cillessen
Rethinking Aggression: A Typological
Examination of the Functions of Aggression
Todd D. Little, Jessica Brauner, Stephanie M. Jones, Matthew K. Nock, and Patricia H. Hawley
The Comity of Modest Manipulation,
the Importance of Distinguishing
Among Bad Behaviors
Marion K. Underwood
Consulting Editors
Consulting Editors
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly Editors