Volume 46, Issue 2 (2000)
Theory of Mind and Social Behavior:
Causal Models Tested in a Longitudinal Study
Jennifer M. Jenkins and Janet Wilde Astington
Children’s Initial Sentiments About Kindergarten:
Is School Liking an Antecedent of Early Classroom
Participation and Achievement?
Gary W. Ladd, Eric S. Buhs, and Michael Seid
Peer Clique Participation and
Social Status in Preadolescence
Catherine L. Bagwell, John D. Coie, Robert A. Terry, and John E. Lochman
Display Rule Application in a Disappointing Situation
and Children’s Emotional Reactivity:
Relations With Social Competence
David J. McDowell, Robin O'Neil, and Ross D. Parke
Young Children’s Conceptions of the Emotional
Consequences of Varied Social Events
Noelle Wiersma and Marta Laupa
A Developmental Lexical Bias in the
Interpretation of Discrepant Messages
Margaret Friend and Judith Becker Bryant
Ethnic Stereotypic Attitudes Among Israeli Children:
Two Intervention Programs
Michelle Slone, Ricardo Tarrasch, and Dana Hallis
Consulting Editors
Consulting Editors
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly Editors
Open Access Article
Some Things Considered
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly Editors