The relation of 4- to 6-year-olds' sociometric status to teacher- or peer-reported negative emotionality and regulation was examined across two semesters (Tl and T2), Social status at T2 was positively related to teacher-reported regulation and negatively related to emotional intensity, as well as peer-reported anger and crying. Regulation and emotionality (in combination) accounted for additional variance in T2 social status after controlling for initial social preference. Initial (Tl) social status infrequently predicted subsequent regulation and emotionality after controlling for scores on initial emotionality/regulation. Thus, emotionality/regulation predicted future social status whereas social status did not appear to account for changes in emotionality and regulation over time. Social behavior (aggression) did not mediate the relation of emotionality/regulation to later social status.
Recommended Citation
Maszk, Patricia; Eisenberg, Nancy; and Guthrie, Ivanna K.
"Relations of Children's Social Status
to Their Emotionality and Regulation:
A Short-Term Longitudinal Study,"
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly: A Peer Relations Journal: Vol. 45:
3, Article 7.
Available at: