Submission Guidelines | Jewish Film & New Media | WSU Press | Wayne State University

Submission Guidelines

Edited by Nathan Abrams (Bangor University, Wales) and Yvonne Kozlovsky Golan (University of Haifa, Israel), Jewish Film & New Media provides an outlet for research into any aspect of Jewish film, television, and new media and is unique in its interdisciplinary nature, exploring the rich and diverse cultural heritage across the globe. The journal is distinctive in bringing together a range of cinemas, televisions, films, programs, and other media in one volume and in its positioning of the discussions within a range of contexts—the cultural, historical, textual, and many others.

Submissions should be 8,000-10,0000 words in length following Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition. Notes should appear at the end of the essay, in the same font size as the text, and double spaced. We are also seeking reviews of books, films, film festivals, DVDs, games, websites, and other media.

For further submission and editorial information, please contact the editors at or