Human Biology: International Journal of Population Genetics and Anthropology | Vol 92 | Iss 2

Volume 92, Issue 2 (2020)



Continental Origin for Q Haplogroup Patrilineages in Argentina and Paraguay
Laura S. Jurado Medina, Paula B. Paz Sepúlveda, Virginia Ramallo, Camila Sala, Julieta Beltramo, Marisol Schwab, Josefina M. B. Motti, María Rita Santos, Mariela V. Cuello, Susana Salceda, José E. Dipierri, Emma L. Alfaro Gómez, Marina Muzzio, Claudio M. Bravi, and Graciela Bailliet


Molecular Variation of Rh, MN, Duffy, Kidd, Kell, and Lutheran Blood Groups in the Human Population of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Lejla Lasic, Abdurahim Kalajdzic, Belma Kalamujic Stroil, Lejla Pojskic, Jasna Hanjalic, Lejla Usanovic, and Naris Pojskic


Genomic Heterogeneity of the Naga and Kuki Tribal Populations of Manipur, Northeast India
Gangaina Kameih, Somorjit Singh Ningombam, and Gautam Kumar Kshatriya