Volume 55, Issue 2 (1983)
Front Matter
Human Biology Editors
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Human Biology Editors
W S. Pollitzer
Surname Analysis as a Sampling Method for Recovery of Genetic Information
J C. Stevenson, R J. Brown, and M S. Schanfield
Genetic Demography of Denver, Colorado: Spanish Surname as a Marker of Mexican Ancestry
Karen Gottlieb
The Use of Surnames for Interpreting Gene Frequency Distribution and Past Racial Admixture
Eliane S. Azevêdo, Theomario Pinto da Costa, Maria Christina B.O Silva, and Lucia Regina Ribiero
The Present Distribution of Some English Surnames Derived from Place Names
Bernice A. Kaplan and Gabriel W. Lasker
Mating Structure in Historical Populations: Estimation by Analysis of Surnames
A C. Swedlund and A J. Boyce
Studies of Isonymy and Inbreeding in Japan
Norikazu Yasuda
Inbreeding as Measured by Dispensations and Isonymy on a Small Hebridean Island, Eriskay
A P. Robinson
Isonymy and Mate Choice on St. Bart, French West Indies: Computer Simulations of Random and Total Isonymy
Alice V. James
Mutations in Names: Implications for Assessing Identity by Descent from Historical Records
Kenneth M. Weiss, Ranajit Charkaborty, Anne V. Buchanan, and Robert J. Schwartz
Expected Versus Actual Random Inbreeding: A Reinterpretation of the Random/Nonrandom Inbreeding Formula
Moreen L. Libet
The Frequencies of Surnames in England and Wales
Gabriel W. Lasker
Surnames and Relationships: An Orkney Study
D F. Roberts and M J. Roberts
Surnames as Neutral Alleles: Observations in Sardinia
G Zei, C R. Guglielmino, E Siri, A Moroni, and L L. Cavalli-Sforza
Surnames in Taiwan: Interpretations Based on Geography and History
Kuang-Ho Chen and L L. Cavalli-Svorza
Tracing Kinship through Father’s First Name in Abu Ghosh, an Israeli Arab Patrilineal Society
F I. Lewitter, B J. Hurwich, and N Nubani
Genetic Diversity of Central Yupik Eskimos
Edward M. Scott and Rita C. Wright
A Theoretical Model of the Physiological Dynamics of Circulatory Disease in Human Populations
Max A. Woodbury and Kennethe G. Manton
Alcohol Ingestion and Sex Differences on the Thermal Responses to Mild Exercise in a Cold Environment.
Teoman E. Graham
Mental Abilities of Children of Incross and Outcross Matings in Hawaii
Geoffrey C. Ashton and Ming-Pi Mi
Hyperglycemia in Dogrib Indians of the Northwest Territories, Canada: Association with Age and a Centripetal Distribution of Body Fat
Emöke J.E Szathmary and Nasha Holt
Submaximal Work Performance of Native and Migrant Preadolescent Boys at High Altitude
Jere D. Haas, Lawrence P. Greska, Thomas L. Leatherman, Hilde Spielvogel, Luis Paredes Fernandez, Geraldine Moreno-Black, and Mario Paz Zamora
Brief Communications
Erratum from 56-1
Human Biology Editors
Book Review
Book Reviews
Human Biology Editors
Instructions for Contributors
Instructions for Contributors
Human Biology Editors
Concluding Remarks
James F. Crow
Literature Cited
Human Biology Editors