Date of Award

Summer 7-26-2017

Thesis Access

Open Access Honors Thesis

Thesis Location

Honors College Thesis

Degree Name



Honors College

Faculty Advisor

Mario Vassallo


Although torque on the knee joints and it’s various supporting structures has been shown to increase when an individual allows for their knees to track farther over their toes, this action alone should not stop an individual from performing a squat, because of a possible fear of “damaging” their knees. Instead, the individual should take three main aspects of proper squat technique into consideration, in order to maximize their squat potential using a barbell. These include: the force being placed upon their lumbar spine and the stability of the trunk, proper ankle dorsiflexion, and adequate knee flexion.

This thesis will first analyze the supposed origins of the negative connotations towards allowing knee traction over the toes, and why some may in fact believe it to be detrimental towards knee health. Once doing this, the more recent research will be discussed explaining the three aspects named above and why the first point is in fact flawed when taking athletes with healthy bone structures into consideration
