Submissions from 2021
Integrated Cyberattack Detection and Handling for Nonlinear Systems with Evolving Process Dynamics under Lyapunov-Based Economic Model Predictive Control, Keshav Kasturi Rangan, Henrique Oyama, and Helen Durand
Submissions from 2020
Responsive Economic Model Predictive Control for Next-Generation Manufacturing, Helen Durand
Mitigating Safety Concerns and Profit/Production Losses for Chemical Process Control Systems Under Cyberattacks via Design/Control Methods, Helen Durand and Matthew Wegener
Integrated Cyberattack Detection and Resilient Control Strategies using Lyapunov-Based Economic Model Predictive Control, Henrique Oyama and Helen Durand
Interactions between Control and Process Design under Economic Model Predictive Control, Henrique Oyama and Helen Durand
Submissions from 2019
Economic Model Predictive Control and Process Equipment: Control-Induced Thermal Stress in a Pipe, Helen Durand
On Accounting for Equipment-Control Interactions in Economic Model Predictive Control via Process State Constraints, Helen Durand
Process/Equipment Design Implications for Control System Cybersecurity, Helen Durand
Submissions from 2018
A Nonlinear Systems Framework for Cyberattack Prevention for Chemical Process Control Systems, Helen Durand
State Measurement Spoofing Prevention through Model Predictive Control Design, Helen Durand
Data-Based Nonlinear Model Identification in Economic Model Predictive Control, Laura Giuliani and Helen Durand
Economic Model Predictive Control Design via Nonlinear Model Identification, Laura Giuliani and Helen Durand
Submissions from 2015
Thermal invisibility based on scattering cancellation and mantle cloaking, M Farhat, P.-Y. Chen, H Bagci, C. Amra, S Guenneau, and A Alù
Submissions from 2012
A novel algorithm to form stable clusters in vehicular ad hoc networks on highways, Zaydoun Y. Rawashdeh and Syed Mahmud